The small schooner rocked and dipped on the waves as the vessel made the rough trip to Scara Brae. Meant for cargo, the group of four found themselves in the hold of the long boat, no windows along the sides of the bare room. Four cots, stuffed with straw, had been placed against the starboard side, while a table with a lantern securely fastened to it sat a few feet away from the line of beds. The flickering glow sputtered a soft light on the room, the inhabitants, and a simple box. It had been opened as soon as they'd been ushered into the room by the captain, at least one among their number eager to see what awaited them.

After all, they'd only been told vaguely about their mission. A wealthy antiquities owner Scara Brae city had fallen privy to the location of a map. The map reportedly had been drawn by pirates and would impart the secret to their hidden treasure. The four had been hired through various means, a flyer here, a rumor there, to investigate. If the map existed, they were to continue on and retrieve the treasure. If it did not, or led to nothing, they were to return with their report. Either way, they could be handsomely rewarded although their employer made it no secret that a return with the treasure would make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.

In the box they found the following:
  • 4 small woven cotton packs, empty but folded neatly
  • 4 empty water skins
  • 3 coils of rope - 10' in length each
  • 1 iron grappling hook
  • 2 iron throwing knives
  • 1 simple steel shortsword
  • 1 silver dagger, the edges strangely serrated
  • 1 large loaf of bread
  • A first aid kit with bandages, suture materials, 2 small single usage healing salves, and a small vial of mysterious poison
  • A letter, addressed to the party

The letter was written in the neat script of a man who dealt every day with the need to keep clear, precise records. It said, "Where you are to land on Neverscale Beach you will find a path leading to the northwest. Follow this path until you reach the river and you will find a small cottage. The map is supposedly hidden in the floorboards of the cottage."