A group of three gathered by night in a small room of an abandoned fishing shack by Valeena Lake. They'd been assembled by hire, through rumors and whispered offers of fortune. All three were here as a cobbled team of strangers for one purpose. It lay before them in a simple box, illuminated by the fire that had been burning in the hearth when they entered the shack. They knew it was meant for them, for it had been bound by a key given to one of the hires. The box lay open now, gifts from their employer filling it.

The box contained:
  • 3 small leather packs
  • 3 iron lockpicks
  • 2 small, palm-sized mirrors
  • 1 forged bundle of paperwork for new stable hires
  • 3 apples
  • 2 smokebombs
  • 1 card of matches - 5 matches total

They had been given their instructions earlier when they'd been told to meet together, for these were too dangerous to have written on paper and in the possession of the mercenaries. The three men were to sneak into the Valeena Family Castle from the western side. There, just past a guard's watchtower, they would find the royal stables. Their employer wanted two of the finest horses the royal stockman had bred. The rewards would be lucrative, perhaps even beyond mere gold.