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Thread: AC: Round 2 - Group 4

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  1. #11
    EXP: 8,711, Level: 3
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    hoytti's Avatar

    Sorish Mon Larsh
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    "Northern Sea!" Sorish called out as he charged along side his teammate. Taka had taken out the men at the gate so Sorish attacked one of the nearest men to him. This man was definitely inexperienced. The sword didn't take a straight path towards Sorish. Instead it just missed to his right. Sorish grinned from behind his hood that he had kept up in order to keep himself hidden. If I remove my hood they would start focusing on me, the monstrosity. Wait a second, that's a good thing. If they concentrate on me then my team mate can easily take them out while they try to get at me. Ether that, or he could get into the building where there shouldn't be any guards. After all, only Ra can enter. Sorish struck the young guard on the leg so that he couldn't continue to fight. Then, Sorish grabbed his hood and pulled it back revealing his coral face. The guard he just struck gasped then yelled, "Monster! We are being attacked by a monster!"

    The plan worked, most of the guards were focusing on him now. As they surrounded Sorish he called out "Taka, get into the fortress! They are not allowed inside! I'll join you shortly!" As he finished calling a man slashed at him which Sorish parried then pushed back sending the man flying into his comrades. The front line stepped forward to attack him. Sorish grinned then spun cutting all the guards by the legs. They fell to the ground in agony. The next line dragged their comrades back will the line behind them Attacked low trying to cut Sorish's ankles to slow him down. Sorish wasn't expecting this but he still had time to jump over their swords. Which in turn cut the groups arms. They dropped their swords and fell back. These guards aren't trained to withstand pain. The final row was made up of four people. One in the front, back, right, and left. This group was the trainers of the guard. As the men from the last group fell back behind them each took a specific stance.

    The one in front of him took the stance "Jodan No Kamae". The sword was raised at a 45-degree angle behind the head and held in a striking position. He had a tall upper posture and his feet were positioned wide. This was a pure attack stance

    The one on Sorish's right was in the "Chudan No Kamae" stance. his body and back were straight, while his stomach was held in and his shoulders were back. his neck was straight, his eyes looked straight ahead, and his chest was held out. His sword was held out in front of his body with two hands at waist level. His right foot was placed in front of the left about two feet apart and his heels were raised. It housed a good defense as well as a good offence

    The one on his left took on the "Gedan No Kamae" stance. He was crouched low. His sword was balanced out front and held below the waist with both hands. It looked like a defensive position, but was actually an attack position. It defends against attacks while creating an opening to strike.

    The final one took the "Waki No Kamae" stance. He hid his sword behind the him showing only the pommel of his blade. The man was also taller then the others. So tall in fact he could probably be considered a Coralian teen, if he had the complexion. This made it hard for Sorish to tell what the length of the mans sword was, it could be anywhere from a short dagger to a super long sword. He also wouldn't know how the man would slash. He could go up at an angle, down at an angle or even go straight through his middle. I'll have to keep my eyes on that one.

    Sorish took up the "Hasso No Kamae" stance. His elbows were held close to the body, feet were close together and his body was straight. His sword was held high in a vertical position at the side of his head with both hands. The edge of the sword faced forward. This stance was used so that he can turn in any direction and attack quickly making it a good stance for fighting multiple enemies.

    The men were in a stand off, waiting for the right moment to strike. With all four of his enemies being veteran swordsmen, this was going to be a tough battle for Sorish.
    Last edited by hoytti; 09-13-12 at 08:56 AM.
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