Your character finds them self on earth and meets you, what happens?

Your character looses everyone close to them, what happened and what will they do next? (Leaders of a large group lose all their men)

Your character finds a rare item, what is it and what will they do with it?

You get transported to Althanas and meet your character, what happens?

Your familiar is in charge, what happens?

Your character and their familiar switches bodies for three days, what happens?

Your character and team get transported to a city on earth, which one, what is their reaction, and what do they do?

Your character is transported to the future and his friends and himself are famous, why?

Your character has an opposite twin (Good <-> Bad), What happens when they meet?

Everyone's familiars are mixed up, who's familiar do you get and what do you guys do? (Each familiar can only be used once.)

Your character has to go to a United States style school with all your other familiars, what goes down?

Your character enters your favorite Television Show, what show and what happens?

Your character find themselves in an embarrassing situation, what is it and how do they get through it?

Your character has an itch that they can't scratch, how do they take care of it?

Your character finds out that their worst enemy was actually trying to protect them, what do they do?

Your character gets into a chase with a notorious robber, choose the city and chase him through all its streets to catch him.