(Sorry I been away guys, I been busy with personal projects. And like short post this time. )

Elthas saw his chance.

"Don't kill her!" He did not want blood on his hands. He wasn't a self-righteous bastard, but he had a gut feeling he needed to gleam information from this woman. If they let her die too, then there was no chance that they would be able to. His dagger struck home, and he smiled at that. She was injured, but not fatally. Elthas danced around, careful to avoid the spreading fire. As he danced he moved towards the girl, around her, and from behind. Then, he took the dagger in his hand, turned it towards the pommel side, and took a quick swing at the back of her head. He intended to knock her pretty ass out. Then, they could get out of the burning quickly burning shack.

Once he knocked her out, he would attempt to capture her. Then, something caught his eyes. The rug that his friend was holding was already catching fire from the intense heat. "Hey, let it go man, we gotta get out of here!" Elthas yelled in mid swing. He knew that every second counted and they were running out of time. The smoke was getting intense and stung at his eyes, most importantly, it was getting hard to breathe. I could have got out earlier, but I am not one to leave a comrade behind. I have a gut feeling that none of this is any of our faults... Elthas thought to himself. He was stuck in movement and had to wait to see the culmination of his actions. If he managed to knock her out, they would escape out the front door. I hope there are no stupid guards waiting for us outside... Elthas thought to himself.