(Closed to Madd Hatter)

The visits had become a sort of tradition all their own…

Originally Taka had refused to go on principle, trying every tactic he could think of to avoid going out into the public face. That soon changed with the conquering of Gisela. Now he was famous, and somebody. Sei had wanted the ronin to keep a more public profile, even with the lost war. It gave people hope that the Ixian knights would be able to save them from the corrupt government that ruled Corone. So, when his men went into town Taka made sure to go with them, no longer allowing himself to remain behind in the safety of the camp. Concordia forest was only so peaceful, and it did him some good to see what he was fighting for.

He watched the mercenaries grab their provisions for the month, allowing them to time they needed so long as they didn’t weedle the wenches. If nothing frustrated Taka more it was the insistence to stay in Radasanth overnight. Of course the Dark Blade rejected any such insistence, and would lead them out fo the city, but a few had tried once, and only once, to use female companionship to remain behind. They soon learned the error of that idea when to ronin had forced them to leave after paying the women for the wasting fo their time. They had then been forced to do the hardest chores that taka could come up with.

No even looked at a girl when they were on duty again.

Still the ronin watched as they went about shopping, trying to find the best deals for the food they’d be eating, or the whet stone they’d need to keep their blade honed. The ronin merely watched silently his arms crossed over his chest as he eyed thr crowds, a subtle paranoia about him. It irked him to be put on display like this, but he understood the sentiment. Taka no longer had a private life, much like Sei Orlouge and Seth Dahlios he was forced to be under scrutiny, was he brutish and dumb, or cunning and wiley? Was he a downright asshole or the most virtuous of warriors? To be constantly judged was tiring to the Ronin who merely waited, hoping his men would finish up quickly so he could be on his way, the public eye making him uncomfortable.

Just kill them all…what’s the problem?”

“Be silent oni,” Taka muttered under his breath.

Little Falcon, you do yourself much credit in denying me, but understand this, I am inside you. You have no hope of resisting me forever. Just give into the chaos that runs through your soul, set aside the forceful order you put yourself to, it’s so tiring after all, being watched like a stray dog, wondering if you have gone feral or are still the loyal mutt you were trained to be…

Silence was the Oni’s answer.

I see, you notice it too; with every day they seem to watch you more worriedly. Is that why you took to wearing the mask all the time, to hide your feelings from the others?

Silence as heavy and profound as when Taka awoke to find himself tainted greeted the Oni, who could only chuckle in reply.