I lunged forward, stretching my limbs towards Duffy, my cane being held at its very tip in order to get maximum length. It wasn’t much, but it was just enough to change the trajectory of the blow. I landed with a hard thud on the ground, a sudden pain striking through my chest. I pushed myself off of the ground, grabbing my dropped weapon as I did so. I grabbed my chest with my free hand, making sure to check for anything distinguishable bumps or bleeding.

“No, Duffy,” I said, adamant in my only request, “A gentleman never attacks a lady, no matter how unladylike they may act.” My eyes shifted towards Agnie, then towards her partner. He was holding his right shoulder, blood flowing between his fingers as he grimaced in pain. Apparently, my blow had done more than I anticipated. The fighter was hurt, so maybe his female compatriot would give up if her muscle was taken care of.

“Him.” I said with a new determination, pointing my cane towards the one known as Zack, “He’s the one that attacked us, so he should be the one that goes down. There’s no need to bring physical harm to her.” I motioned towards Agnie with my weapon. My eyes shifted around, trying to find something I could use to my advantage. Zack would be able to handle me in one on one combat, so I needed to keep my distance.

I smiled when I found a half-full mug of ale on a long abandoned table. There was also a couple of GP left on the oak as a tip, telling me that the thing had not yet been bused. I ran towards the table, reeling my weapon back and swinging it as hard as I could against the mug. Glass shattered, and both liquid and shards began to fly towards Zack and Agnie. Now, I realize the irony of inadvertently attacking a girl I had just asked not to, but at that exact moment, I was more concerned with taking the big man out rather than my own code of ethics.