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Thread: Round 2: Lute and Hammer Vs League of Nightmares

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  1. #21
    EXP: 49,568, Level: 9
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next level: 4,432
    Level completed: 56%,
    EXP required for next level: 4,432
    Abomination's Avatar

    Draug Remi
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Bright yellow surrounded by black
    6'3 / Muscular

    View Profile
    Out of Character:
    Use of some characters approved.

    Draug didn't expect the orc to be able to push him back. As Otto was punted off, the Homunculus found himself a bit light in the weapons department. The swords that didn't strike the orc were discarded and the rest rolled away with him. Draug tried to respond to the impending attack by moving his body, but found himself impaled into the ground by the stub of the spear again. It punctured his lung and made him breathe blood instead of air, every gasp causing blood to drain out of his mouth, which he opened as wide as he could. As Eriag's leg went up, a dagger flew out of Draug's throat. The giantess barely avoided it as it grazed the side of her throat, but it was enough to cause her to stagger backwards and drop her leg back down to balance herself.

    Draug used this opportunity to put all six of his arms on the spear and pull it out of his body yet again, throwing it aside as he lifted up his legs then had his body follow them, jumping from the ground onto a shaky stance. He didn't have time to recuperate however as Eriag was already back in action and throwing a big fist aimed at the side of his head. Before impact, Draug's skin shook and tightened, and when the fist smashed into his head, half of the force of the hit recoiled back into the orc's hand, breaking her knuckles. The Homunculus nearly tripped from the blow, lucky that a helmet was integrated into his head and kept his skull from shattering. It still cracked, momentarily causing his vision to blur and spin, his knees feeling almost weak enough to buckle. He couldn't maintain his concentration and his excess arms fell off, leaving him only with his original two. If he was a human, such an attack would've rendered him helpless.

    But he was no human.

    He had made contact with her, his unique body accepting her very being into his mind. He assimilated bits and pieces of her memories, of her orcish, of her song. All the speech before suddenly made sense, and now he had some words for her as well.

    "Lat viz. Viz mat."

    He saw the rage in her eyes and clenched his fist, but before he could make a move, Eriag stopped her next attack when she felt a sharp pain in her back followed by a cold burn that caused her to yell out in pain. She turned her head and saw Ciato out of the corner of her eye. The Mystic was smiling mischievously as he pulled the kunai out, jumping backwards to avoid her retribution.

    This time, Draug knew that his partner was not in the wrong. He took the opportunity to throw a right hook that planted itself into Eriag's face, sending her stumbling back. He followed it with a haymaker with his other fist that struck her in the ribs that knocked the wind out of her. Then came another punch from him, then another, until there was a flurry of fists making new bruises all over her body. The effect of the gas was making the crowd go wild, causing them to shake the fence so hard it threatened to topple over completely. They had even started fighting amongst themselves, starting fistfights that echoed the one being had inside the pit.

    Eriag was not defenseless. Draug only had the use of one lung, so soon he started running low on air which made his punches weak. She started blocking the attacks with her forearms and even mounted a counter-attack with a strong right swing, but Draug was prepared as he caught it in his left hand, clasping down upon her fist and pulling her in order to headbutt her forehead. The attack disoriented her as she reeled back, and the Homunculus continued his onslaught of fists, kicking up sand and splashing blood and sweat with every hit. His knuckles were so bruised from the barrage that they were entirely covered in his own blood. His skin was rumbling in his shoulder blades, his wrists, and his chest.

    "Koh fund!"

    After a particularly devastating swing that nearly knocked Eriag down, he ripped daggers from his shoulder blades, wrists, and chest. Each blade found a new home somewhere on Eriag's body, puncturing her stomach, breasts, legs, anything that looked big and squishy. The poison she made contact with earlier was making her nauseous, and she couldn't tell anymore whether the pain was from the poison or her wounds. To finish the job, Draug reached into his chest and pulled out a bloody mace, getting ready to knock Eriag's head off once and for all like it was a melon mounted on a stand.

    It was then that the fence finally gave way, sending dozens of crazed spectators into the pit. Their fear was completely gone, and they all decided to challenge Draug. Within moments they had surrounded him, and he had to use his mace to dismember the audience members one by one. He couldn't even see Eriag anymore, who he assumed collapsed from the damage. He thought he could rush through them, but the damage he sustained from the spear was still not repaired. He couldn't start sprinting, in fact he was barely standing up anymore. Blood was still pouring out of his mouth from attempting to breathe. Such damage could not finish him, even if it did slow him down. If he had to go through every single one of these interlopers to get to his opponents, he would kill every single last one of them.

    "You (are an) insect. Insects die."
    "Time (to) end (this)!"
    Last edited by Abomination; 03-04-13 at 12:51 AM.

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