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Thread: I'm So Sick

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  1. #1
    I'm asking you icely
    EXP: 29,108, Level: 7
    Level completed: 27%, EXP required for next level: 5,892
    Level completed: 27%,
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    Ashla's Avatar

    "Ayleth" Ashla Icebreaker
    Human/ Elf Hybrid
    Hair Color
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    Blue in the left, dark brown in the right
    5'6" / 109

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    I'm So Sick

    I'm So Sick.jpg
    Closed to Rhaenar Talon.
    Falling down again...
    Chances of reaching the top?
    It is nothing.
    Somebody save my soul...

    Ashla sighed as she paced around the empty room. She was inside the Citadel, extremely bored and waiting for a challenge. This room though, showed no changes of that; it was dark, dusty, and lifeless. Ashla growled, "Fireleaf! I want to do something!"

    Ashla's cat, Fireleaf, was seated close by her. Since there weren't any chairs or beds to curl up on, the stripped tom had to deal with with cold floor. He had been washing himself, but he looked up at his mistress's dizzy pacing and meowed. He then took no more notice of her as he returned to his cleaning. Ashla scoffed, "You could show more concern for me..." Ashla tapped her steel sword, placed in it's sheath. Ashla hadn't used this thing in a long while, and she was dying for some sort of entertainment. But in this so boring room it seamed as if there was nothing to do but die of boredom.

    Ashla rolled her eyes, "C'mon, Fireleaf, we're leaving." She flopped her long, dark hair behind her and stalked for the door. Then she heard her cat screech behind her. He sounded so aggravated and upset, Ashla could even tell how his venom was spat from his mouth. Ashla knew Fireleaf didn't hiss like this unless he or his mistress was in serious danger. Thus, Ashla stopped dead in her tracks and drew her long-sword. She swirled behind her expecting some kind of enemy... Instead, she saw a small gem in the center of the room.

    Ashla tilted her side, This is weird. Ashla stepped up to the stone and bent down to it. It glowed a dark purple, there was something off about this jewel. Ashla reached out, daring to touch it, then a voice whispered in her head,The only way to win this gem is to beat the challenge."

    Challenge! Ashla's ears rang with the word that brought so much excitement to her! "Challenge??" She questioned, "Oh! Yes! Some fun!" She jumped in her extreme excitement, "At last!! I-" Ashla stopped right there, the area around her had suddenly changed. She must have been so caught up in her excitement that she hadn't noticed that the lame room she had resided in before had suddenly changed.

    Where she was now was completely different.

    Where a blank ceiling covered with cobwebs once was, now there was a blue sky with a blazing sun. Where there were four walls that trapped all into the dark, there were no walls left, just the wide open air. The dust infested floor Fireleaf had been washing on just a couple minutes ago was now a sand bathed ground. Ashla's cat jumped inter her arms, hissing loudly; he must have been just as shocked as Ashla was! They were in a desert.

    Great... Ashla welcomed a brief breeze that flew over them- then resented it moments later when the wind blew some sand into her face. Ashla coughed, "Gah..." When she had finished rubbing the sand out of her watery eyes, Ashla looked again and noticed that the gem was still gleaming, even in the bright daylight, and was in a glass container in where the center of the room was.

    All that there is needed left, Ashla thought to herself, remembering her last visit to the Citadel, ​Is my opponent.
    Last edited by Ashla; 05-05-13 at 03:45 PM.
    How I Shall End my Citadel Battles from Here on Out.

    Those who are the most unlovable... are those who need loved the most.
    A misguided anti-hero who only wanted to make the world a better place - but did it wrong.

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