(Open to two, if not, Solo Quest.)

Hero. That's what they called me and my company. Some folk at least. My name is Creno. Creno Valour. I seen a lot of shit in my day. That damned Civil War tore up Corone. We were the ones forced to pick up the fucking pieces. I was working over drive during that time. Me and the old squad. Picking up the slack for shit. I find myself writing a lot. Personal journals, shit like that. Trying to keep myself from losing my fucking mind. The fighting has been non stop for months now. It's not just the damned war. People going nuts, saying they are seeing things, hearings things. There are tactics being utilized that are very unconventional. The Empire grows desperate to keep it's foothold. We're just trying to protect the people. That's what I keep telling myself. But a part of me grows cold, and numb representing a heart as broken as that of Corone. Just yesterday...

"Captain!" The soldier was calling out to him, saying his name over and over.

But the fighting never stopped, at least in the alien's mind. The fighting was constant, he had to keep his edge over the normal Althanas folk. He had to be the Hero. He worked extremely hard to obtain the position of a Squad Captain at an unprecedented young age. He had proven himself to his superior officers. Now, they were in the middle of a deadly skirmish on the outskirts of Corone, on one of the outlying farms. A group of bandits had held a bunch of farmers prisoners and demanded ransom. Creno and his squad of soldiers was sent to "negotiate." However, during the middle of the fighting something had happened.

Creno was seeing red, his vision was grayed out as he mercilessly beat the skull of the bandit in. His vision was blurring and it was difficult to make out who was an ally and who was an enemy. He kept his spear at the ready, holding himself in a trained combat position. People were screaming all around him, and his head hurt. The fighting had been non stop for hours. It was the last days of The Corone Civil War, but one would not be able to tell that in the underlying towns and farms. Creno saw the reddish/grayish world all around him. He had grabbed the bandit and was slamming the man's skull against the floor over and over. The man's neck was snapped minutes earlier as Creno moved. The shouts of both friend and foe came far away, sounding more mechanical than anything else. Creno was beyond confused, beyond sanity, he was in an altered state of mind. Once Creno was satisfied that the bandit was dead, he finally heard the call of his comrades. Turning slowly towards them, Creno kept his spear at the ready. In that altered state of being, he could see the world in a slowed down sort of way. He was a vibe, a pulse. Another beating breath in the storm of war.

It felt hot, impossibly hot. Creno wanted to crawl out of his skin, when he saw a bandit approaching one of his allies. It was a sneak attack attempt, and the bandit held a dagger at the ready. Captain Creno Valour, suddenly readied his spear and launched in the direction of the bandit he saw. It was carefully aimed, tried and true technique. There was a gutteral sound from the bandit as he died. His soldiers looked incredulously at Creno and then one of his comrades removed the spear from the bandit.

"Captain! I got a little careless there, apologies." The soldier returned Creno his spear, who in turn, took it and sheathed it.

After breathing a few moments, the world of Althanas returned to it's normal dreary color. "Look alive men." Creno said. "We're in enemy territory and there are no reinforcements coming. We got a bunch of hostages to rescue, and no signs. The fighting's been non stop..." Creno suddenly felt a tremendous headache come on. He turned his attention away from the soldiers, and clutched his head for a few moments. He had to breathe. Get it together man. Creno told himself, remembering he was in charged of the squad. They had to perform to CAF standards.

When he opened his eyes, the world was gray again. And he saw a mysterious child he had never seen before. The child motioned for Creno.

"Help us. Please help us...before it's too late."

"Where are you all?" Creno asked.

"There." The child pointed towards one of the larger buildings, and the world returned to normal.

"There." Creno repeated out loud.

"Captain?" One of the nearby soldiers asked. "We checked that area yesterday..."

"Trust me, they are there. We have to look again...before it's too late." Creno didn't fully understand what was happening to him. His squad was around him at that point. "I will need two volunteers." He said carefully. "The rest of you secure the perimeter. The hostages are top priority..." Creno said. He wondered if he was losing it, but he trusted his feelings. All Saenorakym Prime trusted their feelings. It was the only thing that kept him sane in an insane time.

There was a pause. But his soldiers were loyal to him. He had never lead them astray before, and he wasn't about to start now. Without hesitation, two of his best and finest comrades stepped forward to assist Creno.

"Good. Let's get this underway people." Creno said and moved with his comrades towards the house. His head felt a bit better as he moved with a new purpose.