“Oh, I’ll have some more fire water, please! Straight up, no diluting it with any real water, and Godhand would like another pint of ale, since he already finished the other one!” Lasair told the bar wench.

“I didn’t finish the other one,” Godhand grumbled as she released him, “you dragged me from the bar before I could even get a drink in! That’s a cruel thing to do to an old man like me.”

The twelve in replica of Godhand Striker stretched out and climbed up to his favourite perch on Lasair’s shoulder. Her other two plushies were currently sleeping in her bag, and by sleeping she meant they were in a drunken state of stupor, or a stupor of drunk? She didn’t know. Avery mentioned something about taking Tristram’s pants off, Tristram got offended, they got in a fight and bam! She relegated them to time out in the Never-Ending Rucksack.

“Aurel--Aura--I’m just gonna call you Aur, that’s a cool name. Can I ask you something? You seem like an interesting guy and I’ve been places in Althanas but I’ve never seen someone that looks like you.”

The Godhand plushie leaned down close to her ear. “Uhh, love, I really don’t think you should be hanging out with this one. Remember Dan Lagh’ratham, sweet?”

Of course she remembered Dan. She threw an ice bomb at him during the war between Imperial and N.W.O., but he’d mumbled something about small fry to her and walked away. Then she’d ended up fighting some old guy named Teric Bloodrose instead, he punched her in the stomach! It really hurt…either way, she remembered Dan. She wanted to make a plushie out of him. He’d looked pretty cute. Probably make a real nice, squishy plushie for her growing collection.

She ignored Godhand, who thankfully had something else to concentrate on when the drinks returned. Taking a sip of her fire water, Lasair shivered as she felt the burn go all the way down her stomach and then spread out to her limbs. Even her wings felt it.

Fortified by alcohol--not that she needed it--Lasair went right back to asking Aur questions.

“Are those spikes on your head real? Do they hurt? Are they sharp? Can I touch one!? Pleeeeeaaaasssseee!!!”