This was written back in 2007 from a friend of mine, I thought it would be cool to share:

Video version:

Note ...

The story has a lot more to it then the video.
Prologue: Banzare Prime: Science Facility disaster

A giant blue and green sphere appeared, it was the usual warp points that the gunmen use to travel long distances in a blink of an eye, almost like a wormhole. It was called "entering Kataspace" which meant, where your destination was unknown until you enter the warp hole. Once you go in, all you see is blue and green as they circle around you until all of a sudden you appear in a place completely different. That was the goal of this mission ; to warp to Banzare Prime Science Facility to observe what has been going down on the planet because they received a strange signal. It was rumored that it was a simple mission to go investigate a communications breakdown, but they always say things like that to make us feel better. The signal seemed more than a simple "communications breakdown," but none of us knew what the fuck was going on ; instead we all just remained quiet the majority of the trip, observing all of the scenery. Five drop ships, and the generals' ship appeared from the warp hole. The drop ships were a simple gray, that could hold a maximum of 400 gunmen at one time. They were quite large, powered by a nuclear power plant located in the rear of the drop ship which powered the four massive space engines to give it thrust and maneuverability. The general had a simple space fighter, about the size of a pea compared to a drop ship. The space fighter was equipped with the most devastating Gunmen weapon possible, known as the lightning ball. It is also equipped with large heat seeking rockets which were able to penetrate through a majority of the thickest armor. The generals' ship is the only one that carried weapons, since the drop ships have no weapons. They make up for this with the thickest, strongest metals possible and make it very light and fast and maneuverable to dodge enemy attacks keeping the gunmen safe inside.

Banzare Prime was a dull, rocky planet. Nothing but a ugly rocky surface, yet it did have some vegetation here and there. Otherwise it was just plain ol' boring rock. Why are we even here? It looks like a meaningless planet to visit, but hey ... it is worthwhile to fill our curiosity about it. As we entered the atmosphere, all we could see were blueish dust clouds ; yet when we penetrated through that, we could see a massive and beautiful canyon that stretched for miles and miles, it was impossible to see where it ended for it was so big ; yet there was no time to explore ... our mission was simple. Get in, check it out, and then leave. What a waist too, for we began to fly over a beautiful blue colored ocean that led to a large peninsula full of giant mountains and some slight vegetation in scarce areas. The planet wasn't full of enough vegetation and water to live very long on though, so it isn't full of people very often. It was more of a planet that was a short vacation for about two weeks before you had to leave, because you would run out of food that you had packed. Strangely enough though, the planet hasn't been visited in over a century lately. What exactly happened down here?

The drop ships landed on the rocky surface of the planet finally, as the massive bulky doors opened letting all the Gunmen out. They didn't fuck around, for they all ran quickly and jumped out not waisting any time. It took about an hour or so for everyone to get out and ready as we all started to get in lines waiting for the general to give us his orders ... "Alright Gunmen," the general started, "...welcome to Banzare Prime, we will start with the Science Facility, and find out why we lost contact. Vegna, take your first platoon and cover the surrounding area."

Quick and to the point.

"Sir, yes sir!"

God I hate being bossed around all the time, but hey ... it comes with the job.

We started walking down a rocky hill, until someone had to open their annoying little mouth shortly after the generals speech ... "General ; this is the first platoon, I can see the facility down below." ... I could see the general observe what we were doing through his binoculars to see how things were going, making sure everything was going well. Another gunman reported to the general ... "The signal is reported in, we are in sight of the base..," "...Good, I can't see a damn thing from here..." replied the general. He is kind of an edgy guy, and didn't like to be confused by his surroundings.

We finally reached the facility, it's entrance and structure was made from an unusual rocky surface. It was very obvious that the planet indeed, hasn't been visited for over a century. The rocks were cracked, old, as if it was about to fall apart. As we finally reached the massive steel doors, they were covered in green vines as they almost started consuming the facility. I noticed a green clearance button near the left side of the door that grants access to the facility, so I decided to try it out. "Is anyone home?" No answer, the doors simply opened revealing a greenish glow from whatever was inside. I decided to send in about 200 gunmen inside to investigate before we all entered, but the doors slammed shut. Not to worry though, the gunmen that went inside shut it on purpose in case anything bad escaped. "They are in, everything is quiet here sir..." mentioned a gunman as they entered the facility.

The other gunmen that were outside, and on top of the facility couldn't find anything. I noticed an interesting plant not to far away from the facility. It might have been the reason that the vegetation was spreading, yet for some reason this plant seemed different. In fact, it was a whole new species never discovered yet. The plant was the size of a couple of skyscrapers on Earth! "Damn! What kind of plant is that? They are everywhere down here..." mentioned another gunman. The plant was mainly white, except the top of it almost seemed to have veins like a leaf would have on a tree that supplied it water or other nutrients. There was a large hole that led inside the plants insides, probably to absorb rain into it's stomach to give it better growth, for trees on Earth do a similar thing. I decided to call it "The ALPHA species" and gave it a code name of "Xenome..." which meant it was an unknown alien species that habited this planet.

Shortly after, I noticed a lone gunman on top of the facility and I asked him ... "Do you see anything?" ... "No, his radio is dead ... try signaling him.".. mentioned another gunmen. I couldn't think of anything but to wave my hand like a student trying to get a teachers' attention. He saw my hand signal and replied ..."No, nothing up here, anything down there?"

"Nothing down here..." I replied, making sure he could hear me well enough, and clear enough to understand me. I decided to scope the area, so I walked away from the facility to look at more of the ALPHA species that grew everywhere ... it was obvious it was the dominate vegetation on this planet. Other than that, a couple of rare grass patches and dead bushes. Another gunman decided to join me and said something obvious ... "We are looking for any survivors."

No shit ... idiot.

I didn't waist my time to reply to that, so I just walked away from the stupid prick. I could see him in the distance as he found something on the ground. I couldn't see that well, so I decided to head back and I could barely hear what he was saying ... yet I could still hear him well enough to get the gist. "Huh? Looks like a pair of glasses."

Glasses? It must be part of the science team, they always wear glasses when they do scientific experiments. It hints that there might be survivors after all.

That didn't last long though, for the ALPHA species started to move. All of a sudden a giant head full of razor sharp teeth appeared out of the plant as I observed in shock a giant shadow fall over the helpless gunman. The stupid guy didn't really notice it until it was to late. The ALPHA species swallowed him whole with ease. "Fuck! Those plants are alive and dangerous ... let's get the hell out of here!"

All of us started running, yet the ground began to shake. "What the fuck?" The ALPHA species, to our surprise started coming out of the ground as they began consuming more gunmen. Each plant easily ate 100 - 200 gunmen in one gulp.

This isn't good!

The general saw this straight away and headed right to his ship immediately to save our asses. I could barely hear him, but he managed to say ... "What the hell is going on? Hold on boys, I'm coming!" He ran to his fighter as fast as his feet could possibly carry him as he quickly got in his ship and armed his heat - seeking missiles. He didn't waist anytime as he began to take off.

About time!

The plants continued consuming more gunmen, they were dropping like flies! I had to evade about ten of them barely getting away from the monsters. All my friends died right in front of my eyes! "God fucking damn it! Hurry up general!" The plants couldn't reach a couple of gunmen for they were to far away, it seemed that hope started to save our asses, but it didn't last very long. The fuckers had sticky tongues like a chameleon! One of them twirled it's tongue around more gunmen, eating them like a bag of chips ... all in one setting without stopping! The general finally appeared out of the clouds as he launched two heat - seeking rockets into one of the plants ; into it's under torso. The plant screeched, but it seemed not to even give it a scratch. The plant must be protected by some kind of heavy skin.

I could see another gunman in the distance as he drew his duel laser pistols as he fired towards the plants tongue. To my surprise, the powerful penetrating laser cells bounced off ... almost as if that stupid tongue was a mirror that could easily bend light off of it. The plant ate the poor guy in a blink of an eye, it was another friend of mine! "Retreat! Now! To the drop ships!"

Everyone started to run to the drop ships, totally agreeing with my order ... yet more of the plants started to appear from out of the ground. There were at least twenty, thirty ... no forty of these vicious plants blocking our way. It would be worse to go around them, for there was more of them in that direction and it would take more time, we had no choice but to push straight threw and just keep running without looking back. I could hear the plants behind me, consuming the gunmen 50 plus at a time, almost at the speed of light! Our numbers were sky rocketing down through the floor! I barely was able to dodge the giant plants, one was even able to chow down on my varigun that was attached to my backpack, but it was better than my head at least.

All of a sudden there was a plant in front of me! It was impossible to go forward, for it would consume me easily. I skidded to a stop as I immediately about faced running from the fucker. He pounded the ground, trying to inch his way towards me. He managed to stick out his tongue trying to lure me into his jaws. It JUST got out of reach as the general shot another dose of missiles at the plant, making my path clear as the plant was briefly stunned. This helped the other surviving gunmen behind me as well ... yet sadly, they didn't live very long ... we were eventually down to only 200 gunmen left!

What the hell! We are going to die down here! No wonder no one is here, they were all eaten!

The general went towards another plant as he switched weapons quickly to the lightning ball, the most powerful weapon possible that we carried! The ball went straight into the middle of the plant's middle torso, but it simple screeched and shrugged it off! The things won't die! "How do we kill those things?!" ... "I don't know Vegna, but we don't have a prayer ; we have no choice but to keep running towards the d...", he wasn't able to finish his sentence as the poor bastard that literally was standing next to me, got eaten for dinner! "Fuck!!" We finally were close to the drop ships but only six of us were left. SIX! Six out of 2000, including the general!

We were so close to the drop ships, literally only feet away until I heard something behind me. I turned around quickly as I was running backwards to the drop ships as I observed the generals ship get attacked and consumed by the plant! It was to late! There was nothing we could do! We had no choice but to hop in the drop ships and leave. I took one of the drop ships and jumped my ass into the captains' chair as the other gunmen got in. We left the other drop ships, so we could get the fuck out of there! I couldn't stop crying as I boosted the engines to the max, exiting the planets' atmosphere in the blink of an eye. "All my friends, the general ... everyone ... dead ... just ... dead." The other four gunmen didn't know what to say or what to think. All they did was cry, and shiver like crazy from being dramatized by the terrifying experience. "What do we do now Vegna?" ... "We return to the base, there is nothing left here to do."

We went back through the portal we entered from as we finally reached the base ... our home away from home.


"No! Where...where are you going? Who made the order? Come back here! I'm alive! I'm still alive!..." said the general, but it was to late. Everyone was gone, and abandoned the planet, as the plant dragged him back into his hole, back into his home under the ground...
