Prophet, please be careful about powerplaying. Nothing in Xaxan's profile suggests that he would be able to sense and pinpoint magic sources at any point in the city; something like that might require another ability altogether.
Glofir smiled gently to himself as he prepared more dishes for his guests. "All are good suggestions", he remarked, although he gave the tiefling a slightly concerned look. "I, personally suspect magic - but I have not confirmed that. We would do well not to rule anything out without the strength of further evidence. Please, have a seat, miss. And sir, you may come inside the shop, if you wish", he finished, addressing the last point to Adonis.

More refreshments materialised with a flick of the old man's hand, and he continued to speak in a weary voice. "This is precisely why I need help. I am currently busy adding to the list of cases - from what I see, the dispersal is random, the victims, quite average. So far, the only pattern I have noticed is that the incidents have become more and more serious with time. Gossip" - Glofir said the word with a mild look of disgust - "suggests that it all started quite innocuously. The earliest instance which I am reasonably sure is related to all this occurred three months ago. Wilfred, down."

Glofir seemed to be speaking to his knees towards the end. There was a low, dejected groan and huff underneath the table, then the wizard resumed his briefing. "If you believe there is an avenue worth investigating, please go ahead. But in order to qualify for payment, I will need you to do some things in particular. First, I don't want quick answers - I want the right ones. Evidence is your friend. If your current theories don't line up with the evidence, then drop them. Second, I will need someone to go to the watch house and see if they can get an interview with Mr Wilcher. The guard are being their usual unmotivated selves, and have not deigned to bother with such a thing for such an 'open and shut' case. Third, I need to know what happened three months ago. What we are seeing now are the ripples in the water - I need you to find me the stone which caused them. Otherwise, please pursue your own suggestions - I should like answers to those, as well. Is it magic? Is it poison? Something else, perhaps? Oh, and who would like some more tea?"