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  1. #1
    Il'Jhain Runner
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    Writers' Workshop Guidelines

    Writers' Workshop Guidelines
    Thank you to Christoph for this.
    Workshop FAQ

    Q: What is the Writer’s Workshop?
    A: The WW is an alternative review option for completed threads where the writer can get feedback from his or her fellow members, rather than a normal judgment. It provides a more casual format and allows a writer to receive critiques from multiple people.

    Q: How does one submit a thread to the WW?
    A: Simply click the “Submit thread for judgment” link in your thread, and select the Writer’s Workshop option on the submission page. A judge will then create a thread in the WW forum for you so that your peers can read and review your work. You won’t receive a score or official judgment, but after two weeks, a judge will close the workshop thread and award EXP, GP, and spoils as needed.

    Q: How does experience and gold work without a score?
    Pretty simply: each quest receives EXP at a flat rate based on their length, as though it scored a 65.

    Q: Are there any requirements for submitting a thread?
    A: Yes. In order to have you quest reviewed in the WW, you must first contribute at least two critiques in other workshop threads (if and when any others become available). In other words, you need to give to get.

    Q: Can I submit a battle to the WW?
    A: Yes and no. The Writer’s Workshop wasn’t designed with battles in mind, and since it offers no score, determining a winner and loser becomes impossible. However, you may still submit a battle thread, but it will be treated as a quest in terms of rewards.

    Critique Guidelines

    1.) Standard rules for etiquette apply. No spamming or off-topic posts, no personal attacks or trolling. Focus on critiquing the thread, not the writer. Use constructive criticism.

    2.) Likewise, those submitting should take criticism gracefully. Use it to better yourself.

    3.) In order to count toward the two critique requirement (see the FAQ above), a critique must be at least 400 words and include relevant feedback on a few different aspects of the thread.

    4.) Every reviewer who meaningfully contributes to the workshop will receive, regardless of their post count in the workshop, 5% of the total EXP needed to gain a level, as well as 50 GP. So a level zero would gain 100 EXP per thread, a level one would gain 150 EXP, level two 200 EXP and so on. This is discretionary. The most helpful and meaningful reviewer will receive a bonus of 100 GP, meaning 150 GP in total.
    Last edited by Mordelain; 10-10-13 at 11:16 AM.

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