The Red Six is to the public a mercenary group, as such we receive public requests from rich (or sometimes just desperate) people. Quests will help The Six spread their shadowy, and slightly blood covered, fingers across Althanas.


The Final Aspiration of the Aspiring Earl
Earl Fore-yard (he named himself) has made some enemies with deep pockets. We have been asked to remove him from this life in hopes that he will return somewhat less debt-ridden. Earl is known to hang out around the Citadel, conning hopeful contestants out of money by pretending to be a monk. Those we represent would like him killed in broad daylight in front of the Citadel, however they will accept decapitation and his head left on the steps as a second option.



Guard Jobs

Gourd Garden Guarding
Well, I am not going to mince words with this one. A Gourd farmer has moved from Akashima with his prize winning Gourd plants. He had somehow managed to offend the local pumpkin farmers and fears that they will use their pumpkin magic (yes that’s a thing,) to destroy his garden. Set out to the Corone Countryside and protect this poor soul. Oh, if possible can you bring me back one of those giant gourds? It would look great in our HQ. Oh, before I forget, apparently pumpkin magic has something to do with using pumpkins as weapons, and even summoning the fierce pumpkin golem... Sometimes I think magic has lost its elegance.


Ok, I shit you not, there is a dragon that somehow was combined with a wagon to create a Dwagon. Apparently a wizard stuffed up a spell and combined the two rather than cooking an egg. That was years ago and the Dwagon has now grown up and is terrorising several small towns in rural Corone. The reason I want you to kill this beast is wood. Dragon Scale wood. Apparently it resists all fire and is easily as strong as steel, while as light as wood. Just be warned, even though it rolls around on four wheels, its wings are fine and it has a unique breath attack of dragon wood shards.

Treasure Hunting

The Ruby Six
Sometimes a man just wants things, y'know? Like a foot tall number six made from a single ruby. There is some story about how a god marked his favoured children with the six, only to have them die out and leave the six in a tomb filled with the souls of the dead... but I'm sure its just an old wives tale. Head out by boat to the small Island of Del'rago off the east coast of Corone. From their enter the jungle, the tomb and BAM we have a giant ruby six. Now that would be one for the mantle. Oh and apparently it was a snake god. Duno if that will come up.

Clan Business

Time to get down to business. Stamping out the competitors, taking what’s ours, that general stuff.

Six times Six
Six men in Ettermire are using The Red Six's name and stirring up trouble. Your job is to make these men 'cease to be' and leave the Red Six symbol as a reminder that we are not to be trifled with. The men are apparently just thugs, but in Ettermire they might have access to some black-power weapons, so be careful. If you can bring back a keg or two of the black stuff all the better.

Mine Crafts
We have been given a mine. By 'given' I mean 'took'. By 'took' I mean I managed to get most of the blood off the deed. Problem is, the mine is full of goblins. Little feral ones, barely able to count the coins they have been stealing off passer-bys. Do the clan a service and put the buggers out of their misery and bring us back some of that oh-so-expensive iron ore. For you know, ironing people in the face with.

Captain Sassy-Pants
Ok, his real name is Captain Morgan. He runs a smuggling rink between Corone and Altera. He pays the Black Sail a decent amount of coin to let him operate, and has managed to build up quite a lucrative operation. That’s were we come in. I want in. Maybe its the term racketeer, maybe its the ability to use the term 'Smuggler' for its intended purpose. Whatever it is, this deal will net us a tidy sum. Contact Captain Morgan and put some pressure on him. You might need to kill a few of his sailors, but that’s how we do business. Also, I heard he likes spiced rum and wears very fashionable pants. I doubt either of those facts will help you.