Cicilix observed the other contestants as she stood still by the barrier. She knew that observing your enemies before the fight started usually revealed something that she could use against them. But these people weren't a bunch of bored children on the streets. They wouldn't give up their weaknesses that easily. But that just made it more important to watch them closely.

As she had hoped they didn't seem to notice her much. This was really the only advantage she had and she knew that. If she could just keep looking small and lost maybe they would concentrate on the other contestants, those who actually proved a real threat, so she could keep watching them and maybe figure out how she would be able to win.

Unfortunately she didn't have a long time to do this. In fact she didn't get any time at all. A sudden movement in the corner of her eye made her look in that direction just as Vyrabond charged her. To her own dismay she couldn't help but let out a surprised yelp and she closed her eyes as a reflex. As soon as she did this she felt the dirt hit her face and she couldn't help but feel lucky.

“He was trying to blind me!” she thought as she quickly threw herself to the side while she opened her eyes again. No matter what he was planning to do she didn't want to stand in the way of him when he did it. He hadn't thrown the debris at her for no reason after all.

Cicilix managed to stay on her feet and quickly spun around to face him, her dagger ready in her hand. But she didn't want to get into close combat with this thing, not yet at least. Before he had the time to turn around she therefore kicked him in the back of his knee, as hard as she could. After all the small girl was surprisingly strong for her size.