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Thread: The Not Quite So Average Journey

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    Krugor's Avatar

    Krugor Vrath-darr
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    5'9"/66 lbs
    Part-time cook, fulltime optimist

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    The Not Quite So Average Journey

    (( Closed to .Anke. and Chidori Draconid ))

    Again that sound. Just a second this time, a rasping sound. Now, even louder, the tapping of feet on the warm, sandy soil. Lots of feet even, Krugor realised. There was something frightful near him this dark night, he could feel it. Though the pitch black surrounding revealed not even the slightest clue as to what might be stalking the skeleton. The small campfire in front of wasn’t sufficient. It could only shine some light on the old, dirty book in front of Krugor, spending most of his power on the water-filled kettle on top of it. An unprofessional wooden construction held the kettle up above the fire. Proudly Krugor smiled at his structure. There would be some nice coffee for him in just a split second.

    But there it was again. For the fourth time it sounded like something was sneaking up on him. Whirling around Krugor held his staff in front of him. Switching his view left to right and back quickly enough to catch on to anything that might be lurking in the dark.
    Or so he thought, for there was nothing to see. Sighing out loud he lowered his staff and sat down on the sand once more. Where did he stop reading again?

    Delicious Miggle-Biggle
    The one and only legendary delight! Dating from before the discovery of the Jiggle mushroom this recipe shows you all you need to know about making your own delicious miggle-biggle!

    - Some water
    - A bit of Coronian sugar
    - A big pot of lobster stew
    - ¼ Miggle Biggle
    - Some garlic and other spices of own preference

    Take the big pot of lobster stew (you could also take some other stew if you don’t like lobster) and put it on a hot fire. Wait till the stew is blazing before putting in the sugar. When the sugar is added pour some water into the mixture while carefully stirring everything in the pot. Slice up the Miggle Biggle in small parts and throw them into the pot too. Now, say your prayers and spit in the stew, you’ve got your dinner!

    You could also add some oranges or strawberries for that extra nice sweet flavour!
    Scratching his bald scalp he reread the recipe. He had never heard of a thing called a Miggle Biggle, but apparently he didn’t read it wrong the last time. Quickly flipping through the pages he looked at the description of the mushroom. Mostly found in dry, desert areas. Yep, I must be at the right spot.
    This had to be the area he figured. Everything in the description matched with the look and feel of Tel Moranfauglir, the Black Desert of Raiaera.

    Then suddenly a strong force hit him in the back. Krugor, who was to much absorbed into the story of the mysterious mushroom, didn’t hear the creature sneaking up on him. The skeleton fell over, knocking down his precious kettle into the flames. Quickly jumping up, pulling the iron kettle out of the fire, he held up his staff and looked straight into the eyes of a transparent…ghost. The man, for it was in fact shaped like a human, wickedly grinned at him. The sharp sound of metal echoed through the night as the barbarian typed ghost drew his battleaxe. Both intrigued and a bit frightened Krugor turned around when the same sound could be heard three, even four times more behind him. No, in fact, there were five more ghosts behind him, all ready to strike with there axes. “Evening people. What can I do for you?” he asked carelessly. A deep guttural sound was the response as the ghost in front charged at the skeleton.
    Dropping himself to the ground kept the undead man from being separated with his arm as the swift strike swung loosely past him.
    The massive weapon immediately sliced its way into the sand after the miss. Rolling to the side Krugor watched the bloodlust in the eyes of his attacker. This wasn’t just any random attack, it seemed they were out to get him. And he knew he couldn’t win this battle by himself.
    Last edited by Krugor; 06-23-06 at 04:06 PM.
    The Amazing Adventures of Krugor, the Dead:

    Life is your restaurant
    And I'm your maitre d'
    C'mon whisper what it is you want
    You ain't never had a friend like me!

    Highest score: 71!

    By Yamihara: Krugor
    By Cyrus the Virus: Krugor
    By Samhain: Krugor

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