Kyla was bored. She had fought the same training partners time and time again. There was little else to do in the middle of an army and Kyla had a short attention span. She needed an outlet, she needed a hobby, perhaps she just needed to bash someone's face in. No matter the reason, here she was in the shadow of the citadel on a rainy afternoon. She walked up the immaculate cobblestone steps and through the large oak door.

The hallways always seemed empty though hundreds of people fought here each day. She had thought it strange at first, but over time it just became part of the appeal. You never knew who you might end up in a chamber with, there was no way to assess them before hand, no chance to contemplate the battle. It forced you to be on your toes at all times, something Kyla still struggled with. A monk approached her, his hood covering much of his face, but his nose and lips peering through. When he reached her he pulled the hood down, allowing the red material to pool around his neck. He gave a slight grin and without a work pointed towards a door just like any other. It was a deep red mahogany, intricately crafted, carvings of the elements covering nearly the whole surface. But the beauty of the Citadel wasn't the building or the doors, it was the fact that you never quite knew what you might find on the other side. Kyla bit her lip slightly and turned the knob.

The door shut quietly behind her, the smile of the monk still planted firmly in her mind. The room was pitch black, the darkness seemed to blanket her. Kyla Orlouge took several steps forward, enjoying the sound of her footsteps echoing through the monstrous chamber. She lifter her hand in front of her face to test her eyes just as the lights flickered on for two seconds and then off again. The shift caught the mystic off guard, sending a touch of panic through her. She hadn't had time to look around, but she felt confident she was alone thus far. Surely she would have heard someone else enter.

The mystic stepped carefully, slowly moving until she felt the wall against her palm. All she could do now was wait.