2. This forum is for Workshop Judgements and Post-by-post critique. If you have an ongoing thread, create your own workshop. If an individual has been exemplary in helping you through the writing process, contact Core Member, Hoytii, who will be able to help you reward that contributor appropriately!
If I read this correctly, I'm allowed to create a workshop to gather feedback for a thread I'm currently writing. That's exactly what I'm looking to do here.

Here's your link: Bang

Four posts long at present, and I'm working on a fifth as we speak. I'd love to hear any commentary you may have - suggestions, criticism, compliments, and anything in between. I hope to get some running commentary as I continue to add posts. General commentary is great, and I'd specifically like feedback on the following points:

- The point of view. I don't use first-person very often. Am I using it effectively in your opinion?

- The characterization. I'm aiming for a degree of subtlety with Atzar in this thread. His personality should be evident, but not overwrought. Do you think I accomplish that goal? If not, to which side am I erring?

- General interest level. Simply put, is the thread fun to read?

For those who are particularly helpful, I'll make an effort to get some EXP/GP kicked your way. I'm not exactly sure how that works in an ongoing workshop like this one, but we'll find out. I'm also always willing to reciprocate by reading threads you all may want reviewed; just let me know. Thanks a lot!