O.K. this is a conversation of the imagination, lol.

What if some cosmic being showed up when you were completely alone and said you can choose only one of the powers from the list it provided and it would be yours for the rest of your life. You can't change it later and you can only chose ONE! What would it be and why? What would you be doing with said powers?

You can also choose not to gain any powers, but you have to give a reason no matter what you chose.

1. Super strength (comes with super durability as well). You are able to lift and press up to 150 tons and your skin/ body can take up to 50 tons of impact before receiving major damage, like skin being pierced or burning damage.

2. Regeneration/healing - you can regrow any limb except being decapitated (that will kill you for good or being burnt to the point that you have no working cells). you can't be poisoned and get sick from any known disease. Plus you age slower than any normal person, heck you might not ever age but only time will tell.

3. Teleportation - You can teleport to any location in the world as long as you've already been there. The longer the distance the more you need to concentrate. also you can't take people with you.

4. Telekinesis - you can lift and press anything up to 100 tons with your mind. The closer the object is to 100 tons the more you need to concentrate and the more strain goes to your brain, but the distance you can effect something is up to 50 yards.

5. Telepathy - You can read the minds of all up to 5 ppl at once and still make sense of what you've read any more and you'd black out.. but doing five at once can be strenuous. You can't do anything else like manipulate thoughts. just read minds at will.

6. Empathic- You can feel what other people are feeling. There sad, then you become sad as they are, and so on. but you can only do one person at a time. And you can make people feel what you feel and that can effect up to 10 ppl.

7. mind control - You can control what people think and believe. If you want them to believe they're a chicken, they'll start to cluck and peck the floor. You can make them think you're a billionaire even if your dirt poor with the evidence staring them in the face. you can control up to 5 people at once with difficulty of course at a range of 10 yards. doesn't mean you can read their thoughts too.

8. Super speed - you can run up to (and move as fast) 10,000 mph and hold that speed for up to 5 min before you get tired.

9. become invisible - you can't be seen and your power field extends over your clothing too. which means u can grab something like a book and it'll become invisible as well.. but trying it with another person deludes the effect and people will see glass like people walking around. Only being severely hurt can take you out of invisibility.

10. Healing/recall others - you can't heal your self but you can heal the wounds of others, even restoring health to injuries from long ago, like removing scars or bringing sight to a blind person.. you can even reverse the healing effect and re-injure them. But you cannot heal someone with a defect that the were born with. Meaning if the person was born deaf then there's nothing you can do for that persons hearing. Remember your powers won't work on you only others.

Those are the only powers you have to choose from, remember only one.. and why?