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Thread: Service with a Smile ((open!))

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  1. #1
    EXP: 2,380, Level: 2
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next level: 2,620
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,620
    The Sweetest Thing's Avatar

    Anastacia Alliendra
    Hair Color
    Gold with cherry streaks
    Eye Color
    5'5" / 102 lbs.
    Lady of the Night

    Service with a Smile ((open!))

    Anastacia Alliendria hummed a travelling tune as she swept the Peaceful Promenade's front stoop. The sun winked as it dropped behind the two story inn-and-tavern, signifying the approach of evening and the Promenade's busiest hours. Dust swirled around her green cotton skirts as she brushed the long wooden porch with a corn broom. Her shift had just begun, and she was grateful to start it outside. The gentle exercise and waning Autumn warmth would do her a world of good.

    She had returned to Scara Brae just the day before, stepping through a hole in the air and travelling overseas in an instant. Her friend Jacob Narmolanya would collect her by portal in some weeks time, and 'till then she had picked up some shifts at the Scara Brae version of the Promenade. She'd worked as a waitress at the original tavern in Underwood, Concordia during Corone's civil war. The same owners had put up coin to foster a twinned tavern in Scara Brae, and she had taken used her influence to gain the job as a cover when Josh asked her to travel home.

    Remembering her true purpose on the island helped as she entered the dimly lit pub. Ale already soaked the air, the sawdust on the floors moist and clotting. She swept around the busiest tables near the front, ignoring the advances of a drunken pair of goblins in surprising finery. Their type was unusual in the City, but their gold shone equally as bright by the light of the tavern's oil lamps.

    She passed the bar, most of the stools vacant. Although the tables near the door held some elves and dwarves in addition to the goblins and main human population, three of Pallotan's Knight's occupied the only taken barstools and appeared to be drinking water and eating plain bread. At least they tipped on occasion.

    Most of the tables near the kitchens and stairs to the rooms for hire were empty. She thought she saw a mysterious shadowy figure in a cloak in one corner, but couldn't be sure. The tables were wiped and ready, the chairs pulled back and inviting. Fresh fatty and doughy aromas wafted from the kitchens, and swelled around her as she pushed through the swinging door.

    She'd have just enough time to grab a quick meal herself, and then she'd be needed on the floor for sure.

    Out of Character:
    This thread is OPEN to the first FOUR players who post. You must enter the tavern and stay in it for the duration, although hanging out on the porch or exploring the immediate surroundings is permitted. You may bunny staff and guests as NPCs but not each others characters. This is a social moderated quest, so we are practicing following strict rules of RP and there will be no combat permitted. If rules are violated, IC moderation may be enforced. Short posts are fine though, this is all about exploring our characters and having fun!
    Last edited by The Sweetest Thing; 10-21-13 at 11:42 AM.
    "...when she was born, She had no sky
    And was open; inviting.
    And the stars would rush into her, through the skin of her, making the oceans boil with sensation.
    And when she could endure no more ecstasy, she puffed up her cheeks and blew out the sky."

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