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Thread: The Armonia Chamber

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  1. #11
    EXP: 53,501, Level: 9
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    Arden Janelle
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    The Mastiff leapt. Its fangs, formed of nightmares, bore down. Instead of flesh, they tore only through air, and the creature came to a standstill feet away from the boy.

    “I’m not sure on the footwork for that,” Arden said reservedly. He stepped back from Astarelle’s staff, knowing it skilled in her hands, but more a symbolic defence than one to incite a reprise.

    “Let the woman lead,” Talen snipped.

    Astarelle’s lips curled into a devilish smile. “I am glad there is reason left in that thick skull,” she retorted. She winked at Arden, signifying she was speaking to Talen, and not him.

    Arden lowered Fang, called the Mastiff back to his side, and examined the curious woman’s form.

    “What kind of animal are you, anyway?” he asked.

    “Scorpion,” Astarelle replied, almost too quickly.

    Arden had to laugh. She certainly did have a sting in her tail, and claws that cut could a man in two. He would have settled for tigress, but it was fitting enough. He pointed over her shoulder.

    “You’d best lead then, Shadowalker,” he said, referring to the strange decision by the Ixian Knight to appear, at times, as a woman himself. He winked back at Astarelle, turned her gently to face Joshua Cronen, and leant in to whisper something kindly in her ear.

    She smiled.

    He walked around her, patted the Mastiff on its head, and drew a kanji in the air. The Mastiff charged directly at Joshua Cronen. Arden muttered a prayer for the creature and raised his sword into a defensive stance.
    Last edited by Mordelain; 10-30-13 at 01:52 PM.

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