I was referred to this site by Lye. He has been thus far very helpful. Thank you, sir.

I do appreciate the continuity of the storyline and universe of Althanas. I believe this is the sort of site I am looking for. I have bounced around between different sites over the years and settled on one for the past two years that I really enjoy. I am however feeling a bit out of sorts with that site and was in the mood for something different.

I can say I have been roleplaying in one capacity or another for roughly 35 years, if you include PnP RPing as a teen in school. I spent 21 years in the US Army/Massachusetts Army National Guard retiring as an Infantry Officer ten years ago. I am married and have four young children between the ages of 3 and 8. I never wanted to get married when I was in my 20s and knew I wanted to get out of the military before I did get married.

I enjoy reading military history and have been doing so for about 40 years. I do not favor one era over another and am a sort of Jack of all trades when it comes to MilHistory. I enjoy writing and view this hobby as collaborative works of fiction, rather than roleplaying. I understand the majority choose to call it roleplaying, but to me roleplaying implies we are playing a game, where someone wins and someone loses. My friends, I am not playing a game. I am writing story. I don't care about winning or losing, only writing an entertaining story. I believe writing the story of the losing side is just as much fun as writing the story of the winner. I am perfectly content with knowing who is winning and who is losing before we write the story.

Since Lye invited me to join the Order of the Crimson Hands. That is where I shall reside, initially.