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Thread: Jarrod Garret

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  1. #1
    Crafters Three's Avatar

    Vasil Mirkglaive
    Horse Breeder

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    Jarrod Garret

    Access Code-1630
    Classification Level
    Black-Enter Information
    Threat Level-Denied
    Martial Status-Granted
    Personal Information Permission
    Granted-Commence Transfer

    Agent X2956.1

    Jarrod Xan'Fir Garret
    Age-Assumed to be about 27
    Eye Color-Hazel
    Hair Color-White, black streaks down the middle and sides.
    Onyx Dragon Squad

    Personality-Jarrod, AKA, Agent Garret, has been known to be a man of extreme danger, with a tactical mind, enhanced by the technology granted to his time. When not working, he is extremely polite, and compassionate, where he has a love of all living things. Slowly, he has grown to a mass of madness, iron will, and death.

    Appearance-Wears jeans and a laser rifle strapped to his back. His shirt, a grey and black striped tshirt, is a simple affair. He has four laser knives attached via magnetic implants to his arm. His body is tanned, with his brown eyes and hair set well on his face and head. Being relatively strong, and fit, he has gotten physically conditioned to the point where he can outclass most men in combat. Wears dark brown combat boots, with metal clasps and red laces. His handguns are magnetically locked to clips in his jacket.

    Laserknife-4-Acts as a throwing/regular knife, blade is as strong as iron, can melt through armor given enough time, around 2 minutes. Can also be used as a regular knife. The knife must remain in constant contact with the armor to melt it. Does NO heat damage to people. can melt up to LOW QUALITY steel.

    Laser Handguns-What the name says. Takes about 5 shots before he has to take around 1.5 minutes to let the guns cool. Infinite ammo. Every 20 shots, he must stop using the guns for 4 hours. Hits for the power of a weak punch.

    Skyfury 1.0-A ship powered by matter, as it moves through space, it collects matter of all sorts, be it dark, light, anti, anything. Has yet to be tested on Althanas. Broken warp core.

    Clothing, listed above
    Weapons, listed above.
    Skyfury 1.0
    Halo Bracers-Can project hard-light screens, for communication, and most things you could use a computer for. Functioning fully. Has a Topography Scanner, MP3 player, and what a normal laptop would function with, word processor, so on.


    Ah. It had been long since his feet got to touch the floor of the Skyfury, and slowly, Jarrod took in the crisp scent. His mind echoed. The sounds. The sights. The smells.

    "Boots echo on the metal floor, the steely ring of hardened rubber on metal. It traveled throughout the empty ship, which had just been boarded by General Jarrod Garret, head of the Onyx Dragons. Slowly, he stopped, a final note playing out in a drawn way, like a breath of wind. He opened his eyes to the technological mass that was the bridge of his ship, untouched, the wires that connected his neuron table to the engine hanging loose. "

    It had started so long ago; when he was thirteen, he took up his father's ship, a mess, and had it fixed. For fifteen years he traveled, going around the known universe, until what was known as "Black Rip" happened. The Earth was consumed, and all supplies needed for human life with it. As the last full squad, ODS was tasked with finding a new planet, and was left the rank of general, and in the way of the Garret line, he left. And never came back.

    One year later
    "All hands to bridge! All available hands to bridge!" The PA echoes through te ship, as a man is standing there, slowly moving his hands in the air, and the world stopped, the screens around all flickering to an image of a Dreadnought Mech2, destroyer ship. Jarrod closed his eyes and mumbled to the many engineers gathered.

    "Bring us to warp."

    Accuracy-Above Average
    Hand to Hand Combat-Above Average
    Knife combat-Average


    Blackeye Shot-Twice per thread, Jarrod can fire one shot (Cannot be on a vital organ, or to the head) That his opponent cannot see, beyond a vague shadow. This will hit for the strength of a medium stone from a slingshot.

    (To clear some stuff up, 1. The ship is for story purposes only. Will be used later, but not until he repairs it's warp core. 2. This guy is supposed to be weak(esque) but never turned that way. So. Yea. Fire away at anything that's wrong 3. The guns can only be fired by him, and are NOT able to be sold. 4. I'm willing to remove the rifle or the knives, beyond that, I'm keeping the handguns. )
    Last edited by Crafters Three; 11-06-13 at 06:32 PM.
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