Just a warning, this Character Sheet is not fully finished. I did not feel I had enough time to write up the history so that section is for now left empty. Until then, this is my character.

Name: Alexandros
Age: 1830~
Race: Animate Inanimate Scarecrow
Hair Color: No hair
Eye Color: A flaring Pumpkin Orange
Height: Seven feet and six inches
Weight: One and twenty pounds
Occupation: Wandering Vagrant

Personality: Alexandros was created solely to protect others. Specifically he was to protect his master but what came afterward was to protect the innocent. Though, the talents he was given to do so are unorthodox, thus his actions reflect ill intent when in reality his intentions are good. For instance, to save a life he would go so far as to kill multiple attackers to save the victim.

Beyond his clear idealism involving innocents he does not have a very clear sense of morality. As long as defenseless people are taken advantage of then Alexandros could be convinced to perform many wrongdoings. This tendency is supported by his complicated outlook on life. Thus, Alexandros is stuck in a purely neutral state with currently none to pull him in any direction other than his own.

Given the chance, Alexandros is quite unhinged in social situations. His behavior bounces from serious to comedic and between pessimistic and optimistic. This can be contributed to his unusual amount of time left alone to think, also causing him to consider concepts rapidly and randomly at once. This does not reflect so much during battle however, and during such heated situations he does not think faster than others.

Appearance: Starting with the most obvious trait, Alexandros is a scarecrow. His entire body is composed of twigs, burlap and straw. Upon his head is a hat weaved of hay reaching outward well beyond his narrow shoulders. The long brim of his cap serves well to shadow his face, a bag morphed in the shape of a head. Holes were ripped to serve as eyes which sport a dull and insidious glow of orange. Underneath these are several jagged tears which represent sharp teeth upon a wide maw.

Hiding where one's neck should be found, Alexandros dons dark burlap that hangs down to his wrists at the sides and descend even lower at the middle below his knees, with straw at his waist stringing it together like a belt. His arms are impossibly long yet thin as a malnourished skeleton made of wood which finally end at long, bony and sharp fingers. His legs reach further yet allowing him to cross great distances in few bounds. Yet these limbs end in spikes that seem to have been torn in half down the centre rather than feet. All about his body there are stray bits of straw peeking out beyond their cloth prison. Within all of this and at his core lies a bright orange gem the size of one's fist. This is his heart and what keeps his ghastly form moving throughout immense torture.


Skills: Without a Body: Alexandros feels no pain and is not slowed by attacks until his body is completely destroyed.

Seen it All: Having experienced countless horrors by simply being within his own mind, Alexandros feels little fear for his own well-being.

Abilities: Fear Magic: He is capable of using spells to bend the minds of others to see, hear, and feel what he wants them to. While he cannot directly manipulate another's consciousness, he can easily fool them into believing some unspeakable horror from beyond this realm has suddenly entered their line of sight. Given enough time, he could even put enough pressure on a single individual to commit suicide to leave the horrific images forever.

Fear Not Death: When Alexandros' body is completely destroyed, he does not die. His heart will inevitably remain and after a few days he will be able to take the body of another scarecrow in place of his own. In addition, while pieces of his body still remain he can slowly regenerate them even in battle. It is only when every part of him is destroyed that the effect is fully stopped, excluding only his heart crystal.

Weaknesses: Frail Body: Wood being the most hardy of his bodily composition, Alexandros cannot stand to very much punishment despite his inability to feel pain. Every single piece of his is also incredibly flammable, meaning that his greatest weakness of all is fire, as it is capable of destroying him entirely in a matter of seconds. This is only countered by his regeneration, so if one were to finish him quickly he would have little to stop it. Those that deal their damage in time will have trouble taking him on however.

Awkward Shape: Due to his incredibly slender form, armor that fits him is rare. The only protection he would be able to fit in would be made especially for him.

Lack of Strength: Alexandros can carry himself fine but not much else as his body does not necessarily exude brute strength. He is limited to what he can carry and cannot deal much damage by physical means.

Equipment: Besides basic clothing, all he carries with him is a pitchfork and a hefty cloak to conceal his body from prying eyes.

Familiars: Since his most recent 'reincarnation', a single crow has been following Alexandros relentlessly. He will carry on with casual, one-sided conversations with the crow in a language none other than himself can understand and insists that it can understand him. Judging by his remarks, the crow seems to be heavily cynical.