“Very nice…” Damon shot back sarcastically, eyes narrowing upon the stranger. It was an unsuitable way to start a battle. After all, the boy had made an effort to introduce himself and his partner to the brightly colored opponent, after that kind of show of sportsmanship, the secret attack was that much more galling. “It didn’t work though, but I hope now that you learn your lesson.”

The boy was beginning to realize just how important it truly was that he and Ashiakin win the LCC. Initially, the boy had just thought Ashiakin was more qualified to be the duke of Lornius than any of the other competitors in the tournament. However, these last two matches had showed Damon something completely different. None of the other competitors deserved to win the tournament.

Now, the boy readied his sword and moved towards the formerly hidden assailant. “Lets settle this fairly,” Damon demanded, his hands gripping eagerly upon the hilt of his weapon as he prepared for battle. No longer did he fight just for his partner, but for Lornius and Salvar as well. Everything else seemed to matter very little now. Damon could at least see one thing clearly.

He broke into a run, one that was not nearly as brash or reckless as it had been in the first round, but one from which he still wouldn’t be able to alter his momentum as easily as he would have wanted. His sword hung low, ready to make an upwards strike, and as the boy closed in, he angled the weapon forty five degrees away from his body.

As he veered closer, Damon’s hands began to itch with anticipation. Still, the boy was not going to strike until his opponent had committed himself. They both had longswords, so neither would be out of the other’s reach once Damon had covered the distance between them. Smirking, a sudden idea popped into his head as he had all but ten feet left to charge. He would stop, just out of striking distance, keeping his weapon ready. Then, hopefully his opponent would lunge forwards in anticipation, striking out blindly and giving Damon an easy opening.