Name: Alexai Mortain
Age: 20
Alignment: Good (Extreme Good)
Team: Mercenary/Public Face
Good Fit: Well im a creative individual that can on a good day Create vivid scenes with only a few sentences. Other than that im not to sure what im supposed right here.
Skills: Skilled Swordsman, Barterer/Haggler, Cloth and Leather Crafter.

Sample: "Its raining again..." says the boy who's using what's left on his back to cover his head from the rain. Shuffling out of an alley the boy reaches a covered threshold where he leans against he semi-dry wall. Seconds later he shifts down and is now sitting against the wall, the ground is now starting to puddle. "God." he mumbles as he looks at the road threw the thick sheets of rain. In the distance he can see two smaller children being corralled indoors by their mother, and further down a dog finding shelter under a bridge. "This is complete shit!" he says to himself "What is wrong with this place. Where is the Happiness in the world." he begins to weep uncontrollably tears mixing with the rain on his face. "I need to get out of this place..." he regains control of himself of himself and stands up, recovers his head with his shirt. Then he focuses and sets off into the rain.