As the darkness enveloped Thoracis he was sure that he had fallen unconscious. Slumped over the obelisk he thought he could still hear the sounds of battle, but the world around him was black. But then, again, Thoracis heard the sounds of the battle, distinctly recognizing Elrundir refer to him, though he couldn’t make out in what capacity. It made no sense. Thoracis turned his head towards where he thought the battle to be. It felt as if he had moved, but there was no visual evidence to prove it. What the hell? His energy gone Thoracis couldn’t even hold himself up anymore and he crumbled back down to the stage. “Owwww! Shit!” The pain in his knee was still excruciating. As he clutched at his leg once again it was also a sure sign that he was indeed still conscious.

Near the edge of the stage a sudden burst of electricity momentarily lit up the form of Elrundir and Dirks. The lightning coursed from the mage and across Thoracis’ staff, almost striking Dirks directly. Apparently they had failed yet again in felling the shadow mage. He was too weak for any response though; all he could do was hope Dirks was alright. As suddenly as it happened everything was dark again and he had no idea of knowing the outcome of the final attack. His head fell back to the stage, more exhausted then he would normally have been, the injury to his leg having drained more energy then he would have thought. I can’t wait for this to be over and to get healed… Thoracis thought to himself, managing a strained chuckle. He wished he knew what was going on…

“You look like shit.” Dirks voice was right near him. Somehow he mustered the strength to laugh along with his friend - he felt he could call him that again.

“As if you could tell,” Thoracis joked back, “I can smell your burns though!” He wished they could see each other. Thoracis managed to pull himself up into a sitting position on the obelisk perpendicular to his teammate. “You’ll have to help me out of here, my leg is tore up.”

Dirks laughed, but before long their his hand grasped the ice mages, pulling him up and carrying half of Thoracis’ weight on his shoulders as best he could. The two of them hobbled from the stage, eventually breaking through the enchanted darkness and into the natural night around the Monolith Clearing. “I have to tell you though… Just so there’s no confusion… I ummm… I didn’t stop Hikari from choking you. Elrundir destroyed his sword before I had a chance. “

“Don’t worry about it.” Dirks replied. “I know you would have tried. What’s important is we are leaving here as champions.” That much was true. Nobody was going to question them now.

Thoracis smiled beneath his mask. “As if there was any doubt.”

(Bunnying of Dirks approved.)