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Thread: The Fall of Man

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    Tobias Ebericht Stalt
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    The Fall of Man

    It was an austere arena. The laboriously shined floors were devoid of any trace that they had ever been used for battle, though this was the heart of the citadel. If any one arena was not warped or twisted by illusions, it was the floor beneath Tobias now. No Ai'brone tricks- he didn't see any of the monks anywhere, in fact- and no guards. There were balconies above where onlookers could watch the proceedings, but the main doors to the chamber were barred.

    Tobias faced the far side of the room with a mask of stoicism, either of his hands resting on a dagger. Orlogue. The name was like a blight, widespread across Althanas in both heroism and villainy. He could not recall ever meeting one, though he had read many pages about the enigmatic Sei. Whispers about the swordsman Ciato had reached him, along with a challenge, and Tobias had found himself enticed.

    Doing battle with a legend was a chance Tobias would not pass up. The man had expressed simple terms- a battle to blooding. Whatever delusions he held about the Orlogue family were gone. His golden gaze glided across the room, and he accepted that it was level ground. No weaknesses and no advantage.

    When the far door creaked slowly open, Tobias' eyes flicked over to watch the other man enter. "You came," he called with a hint of anticipation in his voice. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't."

    He did not intend his words as an insult; Tobias believed that a notorious man like Ciato would have better things to do than meet a lowly, traitorous Alerian soldier. His hands fell harmlessly to his sides as he watched the man with sharp features walk forward. Tobi took a deep breath.

    It was to be an intense battle.
    Last edited by Tobias Stalt; 12-12-14 at 12:32 PM.
    Even a well-lit place can hide salvation
    A map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun
    Where the lost are the heroes
    And the thieves are left to drown

    Calm and Cold, and how they became Mithril.

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