This is solely for the purpose of adding two items
The wind howled through the oaken glade, and on it, the whisper of a long lost Thayne echoed, yet now replaced by another.

Sirius, Smith of Eternal Weapons, Hand of Draconus
Age-Around 400 or so

Personality-One who was ripped apart, bodily and within his own soul would seem to be rather confused, but this person is one who is a stranger to emotions such as confusion, yet also he is incapable of loving anything beyond himself on occasion. At that, Sirius, now ascended to the position of Lesser Thayne, one involved in weaponry of unimaginable strength, coming to the call of his newest master, the Elder Thayne, Draconus. He is calm and collected, surprising for one who is basically stitched together from soul and flesh, and held by threads. No longer filled with the burning hatred that lasts for many centuries, he is a tree, strong in the face of destruction and the anger of any man. Now he is a person to think forward, and has taken on some of the aspects of his dragon master. He will see it all happen before his eyes in a way, thinking out every possible outcome, up until the final moment. With this, he may seem to come to highly irrational anger, about topics he may have started thinking over many, many suns ago. He is also currently prone to fits of insane killing, practically mindless murder.

Appearance-Not much has changed in the time before his last death, his hair and eyes have not really changed, excluding the gain of sight somehow, by the healing of an extremely powerful monk. Yet now, under his coat, he is coated in many places with stitches that glow the faintest white, as if a cloud veiled moon. His usual attire has not changed extraordinary, changing too dress shirts and jeans, and a newer, shinier, nicer leather coat

History-Basic really, born, reborn over many, many years, and then died, where his current history starts. It was a meeting with his newfound friend Sabatykos. Sadly, he had asked Saba to do something that he was incapable of. And for that, he rent a rift in his mind that could not be traversed by the healing waters of an apology. But his latest death was really more of an accident than a true death, as he simply fell down a mountain, was torn apart by beasts, but by some fateful stroke of luck he was taken in as he lay, dying, upon the hard ground, blood simply flowing out of his many open wounds, by the elder Thayne, Draconus, who was inspired in his age old wisdom, resurrected him. (Learn more in RP. )

Lesser Abilities---Used primarily to preform high abilities, these consume the same amount of energy doing it manually would, and are only used as basic substitutes for things that are usually done by hand.---Summoning Symbol-Soulless, is a little spell that allows Sirius to raise a circle from any material, if on plain old soil or stone, it will take 2 minutes, if on wood it will take 6, if on metal, or anything higher, it will take in the range of 15-45 minutes, depending on how well it resists magic. This process is required to preform any other abilities not classified as will or Thayne powered.


Thunder Smith-Sirius, born of the thundering voice of Draconus once more. Sirius has the ability to create one of two effects, one allowing him to enchant a single weapon of his creation with one equaling a small stun, inducing a splitting headache for about 15 seconds, stunning them for about 4 seconds, and stunning larger foes, or less conductive ones for about 2 seconds. The second effect is creating a single weapon made of pure thundering power, one which when drawn will release a storm causing medium to heavy raid, depending on the bearer of said sword's level. The storm goes as following-
1-3-Medium to Heavy rain lasting around ten minutes, enough to make a field muddy, or water some crops quickly, as well as an effective screen for escape.
4-9-Heavy rain, with a lightning bolt here and there, lasting around 1 hour. Will decimate anyone wearing light clothing.
10-15-Massive amounts of rain, with lightning practically

This ability is totally random, and the effects will only be revealed exactly one hour after Sirius inscribes the runes for “Weapon of Thousand Thunders” on the weapon’s metal.

Ritual of Broken Souls-This rite must be performed on either a chalk circle, or in a circle raised from the ground with the “Summoning Symbol-Soulless” Lesser ability. ---- This ability will be tied into my finisher move at level 4---- When a person is wounded, stunned, or otherwise indisposed, Sirius is capable of removing the soul of an NPC, or 1/32 of the soul of any character or PLAYER OWNED NPC’s. These are stored in his person. Holding more than four souls will make him rather explode, to devastating effect. These souls can be released in a concentrated blast, like getting hit with a wall going about 10 MPH/16 KMH or in a series of bolts(Three per soul, five second cooldown between bolts), like getting hit with a medium punch/stone. Said bolts are made of energy with no form, but with a bright white and back outline, and a reddish tint around the core.—For All intents and purposes, let’s say he has two souls-- Also, this power requires consent if used, as if used many times in succession, it could simply rip out the soul of the enemy, killing them.

Shardblade-Sirius can summon a hand and a half that is capable of cutting through almost all stones, some metals, and all cloths excluding those of spidersilk and higher tier silk. This blade cannot be used in a Citadel or League, and requires consent if used on a PC (Or their NPC) in a quest. Lasts until his hand*s* is (are) removed

Leather Trench-Coat, oiled.
Rumpled Dark Grey Felt Fedora-Wide brim
Steel Shoulder Plates This thread is not yet complete, but the price has been locked by Erikar
The SwordHammer