"Then do it," Tobias mused. He reached out to take back his smoke, smiled, and eased his fingers closed. The sensation of pipe meeting hand jolted Tobias awake.

A half empty pint had warmed adjacent to him and numbers in the pub had dwindled. The Elven songstress had broken from her work to share a drink with some raucous patrons on the other side of the room. A girl had slipped close to Tobias in the confusion of his awakening and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You've been out over an hour," she informed him in a hushed voice. "I had started to worry."

Tobias grunted. It had been far too long since last he saw Jak, and now, he worried about the man. "Ale," he managed to say, "I'll have another ale."

Blue eyed and golden blonde, the buxom woman placed hands on her supple hips and tilted her head. "Are you sure you need another?" There was no hint that she came to serve him, but Tobias saw no harm in asking. "I don't work here, I'll have you know. I was here listening to Alayne sing."

"Oh," Tobias seemed deflated.

Reaching into his cloak, Tobias produced the pipe he had smoked in his dream but a moment before. He stopped short when the bowl still felt warm. "Something wrong?" He glanced up at the girl, and she smiled. "I'm Kathys."

Pressing the pipe between his teeth, Tobias merely shook his head. At this point, I'm not even surprised anymore. "Tobias," he told her. Kathys smirked at him, reaching out and taking the pipe from his lips. She pressed it between her own, and she took a long drag. Tobias felt himself laugh.

"You've got great taste in smoke," the girl complimented.

Standing up, Tobias pulled out a chair and ushered Kathys into it. Placing an arm around her, he hailed the barmaid, and he leaned over to whisper in his new friend's ear. "Let me buy you a drink," he said. Her azure gaze met gold, and her full lips lifted into a wide smile.

"You speak my language quite well," Kathys remarked. She felt the man's firm hand move along her shoulders and travel down her back.

"Great taste, I attribute it to."

By the end of the night, Tobias could only remember the back of Kathys' head.