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Thread: Testing one's own skill. (Closed)

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    EXP: 150, Level: 1
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    Level completed: 8%,
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    Dark_Blossom's Avatar

    "Dark Blossom" Lilith Stormbrand
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Crystal Blue
    Young Girl ish.
    Former Performer, Theif, Assassian

    Testing one's own skill. (Closed)

    Closed to Ell
    Drip drip drip... The sound of falling water echoes thru the arena. It was dark, and there were many different corridors with extending bridges from one side or the central room to the other. Everything was made out of wet cobblestone, and there was plenty of places to retreat to in needed. The main room as illuminated but the light only illuminates about four feet into any of the scattered corridors on each side. There wasn't much time before her opponent would appear and their fight would begin. Lilith was wearing her traditional circus garbs, and she was carrying all of her weapons.

    Then a light from the other side of the room, was it her opponent? She wasn't about to let this person get any type of upper hand on her. She fallowing true to her training stretched her arms and legs quickly before starting to sprint towards the light. There were about twenty scattered corridors and bridges between her and the light. At about top speed Lilith grabbed her chain from around her waist and within an instant swung it upwards. The top portion of the chain wrapped around one of the bridges above, as the chain grew tight her momentum swung her up in a circle. With great precision the young acrobat landed gracefully on top of the platform, and as quickly as before wrapped her chain back around her waist.

    Here is good, ill wait until my moment. She thought as she awaited her opponent to appear, from up here she would be completely hidden from view. Her training with both the dark circus and from the crimson hand would make this an easy battle, or at least she hoped so.
    Last edited by Dark_Blossom; 07-08-14 at 07:47 PM.

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