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Thread: The Miss in Misdemeanor (Level 5)

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  1. #1
    Miss Demeanor
    EXP: 28,185, Level: 7
    Level completed: 15%, EXP required for next level: 6,815
    Level completed: 15%,
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    The Miss in Misdemeanor (Level 5)

    Out of Character:

    Name: Alydia Ettermire
    Age: 115
    Race: Alerian Elf
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Blue
    Height: 5'6"
    Occupation: Best thief EVER

    Personality: Alydia is more than a little clever, and pretty smug about it. She steals things for the fun of it, but the act of stealing and trying to keep her acquisitions is a game to her. She's fond of calling her pursuers "stickyfeet," and likes leaving geographical clues as to where she'll be next. If you can get her to sit down and talk to you, you'll find she's just as clever and playful in conversation as she is while being pursued. As the chase is mostly a game to her, she'll go well out of her way to make sure that her stickyfeet aren't killed in the process of chasing her. After all...if they died, what fun would it be without them next time?

    She is fiercely loyal and protective of her friends and allies. She does not tolerate them being stolen or hurt, and will risk her own safety to ensure theirs... or even take a rare sojourn into violence.

    Appearance: Aly is an extremely attractive dark elven girl with black skin and hair and intoxicating blue eyes. When she parts her very red lips to speak, the voice is slightly husky and alluring. Her trademark outfit is a red fedora and matching trench coat, under which she wears a dark grey cat suit and a pair of knee-high leather boots. If she wants to dress up, she'll put on high heels.


    Alydia was an orphan that grew up on the streets of Ettermire. Since even homeless orphans gotta eat, she took to thievery. She found that if she focused really hard, she could pull little things into non-existence and then pull them back out later. Once, she was caught as she stole a meal, and almost didn't get away from her pursuers.

    From that point on, she started learning how to sneak about even more stealthily, like a shadow, and eventually could use the shadows to actually move from point to point. This didn't last long, for like most inexperienced young thieves, Alydia was captured and put in prison.

    She caught the attention of the police chief that had captured her, and he "rehabilitated" her, giving her an education and training her to catch other thieves. As soon as she felt that she'd learned enough of the way the other side of the law saw things and felt she could counter them effectively, she left the Ettermire police force and turned back to her life of crime, better prepared to play her little game, and feels so clever that she leaves clues behind on long cross- and inter- country wild goose chases, hoping that someone will be clever enough to make her give up her prize, but not actually put her behind bars.

    Level 2 &3: While that's still true of Aly, her world lately has taken some changes for the stressful. While at first focus on the murderer Shynt Aubrey forced her to resolve one last case, her mind has constantly been on four of her people, three of whom are missing in Raiaera and one Scarabrian who is inexplicably in the wind. Most of her adventures of late have revolved around helping or saving some of her people who have found themselves in trouble, rather than taking valuable things from other people and making off with them like a horribly gaudy bandit. Then she heard news of an old foe, and determined to close out one last case before going to find her people.

    Level 4: To do that, she had to go to Alerar via Corone. That took her on the same boat that the afore-mentioned Shynt Aubrey was returning home on, and also the same boat that Izvilvin Kazizzrym was taking. Thinking he was stalking her, the warrior forced her to face Aubrey ahead of time. In exchange for her information on how to begin to take down Step, he agreed to help her catch the murderer. They lured Aubrey back to Ettermire, where he was captured by Alydia's old mentor. He escaped from prison the next morning and hunted the pair down, where he forced Izilvin to kill him while Alydia stole a book with directions on how to portal into Step's headquarters. He went to face his destiny, she went to try to find a book that might not have existed. She narrowly survived her encounter, discovered the secrets of her bloodline, and obtained The Book of Secret Histories, Part One. All in all, a successful heist. Last seen leaving Salvar for Raiaera.


    Building Snatching: Alydia is the world's most unique crook because she tucks large things into an extra-dimensional pocket where only she can access them. Currently, she can steal items that occasionally range to the relatively significant, like a minor NPC's house, a major public monument, REALLY big rocks or an item/items worth up to 12,000 gold. If caught, she must return the item or house, by the rules of her own game. She cannot pull living beings into the pocket, so a house with people in it would vanish, leaving the people on the ground. If Alydia is killed, anything in her pocket dimension will disappear forever. She also has a secondary pocket in which she can store some heavier/bulkier personal items, like books, maps, etc, while still remaining light enough to run and travel.

    Shadow Running: Since she needs to be able to make a quick getaway from time to time, Alydia learned how to use the shadows to help her escape. She can currently Shadow Hop up to a distance of 120 feet 8x/hour. She uses this to help her get away from otherwise too close/too dangerous pursuers.

    How the HECK Do You Even Steal That?: Alydia can take one intangible item from a person, such as an idea, a talent, or a power. She can do this multiple times per thread, but can only hold on to one intangible at a time, so the first intangible must be either returned or lost before she can take a second. (Obviously, I have to have permission before doing it to a PC or a player-owned NPC.)

    Darkvision: Aly can see well in the dark, as befits her race, but she has a little trouble in low light, since it confuses her two types of vision.

    Senses: Alydia can hear and see 2x better than the average human.

    Agility: Aly keeps herself alive, if not completely out of trouble, by being able to outmaneuver people who are right on her tail. She has developed agility 3x the ability of the average athletic person.


    Stealth: Since Aly needs to be able to get into places without causing a fuss, she's learned how to walk quietly, often turning her hat and trench coat inside out to be less visible. She's currently stealthy enough that if she does not wish to be seen, an Elf would have a hard time noticing her unless he or she was alert and expecting her to come. Even then, he or she would need to be looking in the right direction at the right time.

    Rough Terrain Specialty: Alydia knows that people go by the easiest route as often as they can. So, in order to facilitate getaways, she has spent time scrambling over rocky outcrops and bounding along rooftops. As a result, she is able to navigate such terrain with the same grace, speed, and ease as a parkour expert, and she has little to no difficulty at full speed. This does not help her on easy terrain, since she's not as practiced with it.

    Combat: Aly very rarely has to actually fight, so she's very inexperienced with her weapon of choice, the bullwhip. She's currently a below average fighter. However, she can grab onto beams and swing away from immediate danger with it.

    Languages: As a professional thief that often needs to be able to fit into her surroundings, Alydia has learned several languages. Aside from Drow and Tradespeak, she knows Salvic, Fallien, Dheath, Raiaeran and Akashiman.

    Network: A criminal of her caliber needs connections. Alydia has a helpmate and two grunts in every country whose language she speaks. Their purposes are as follows: the helpmate gathers information on items she might want to steal, including security around it, and might provide complex clues to the "stickyfeet" chasing Aly. The grunts do heavy lifting if she needs it and help facilitate her getaways. She will not permit them to engage any stickyfeet violently.


    Red vlince trenchcoat with black reversible inside, a shiny black vlince belt and matching fedora
    10 foot leather whip
    Delyn dagger
    Map of Althanas and guide book
    Mundane useful stuff that goes in pockets, eg mirror, comb, lipstick, chalk, paper, pen/pencils, string, needles, thread...mundane stuff.
    The Book of Secret Histories, Part 1 Gained here.
    Last edited by Alydia Ettermire; 07-26-14 at 07:16 PM.
    Fortune favors the prepared.

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