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Thread: Quentin Boone Level Three

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  1. #1
    The Most Interesting Man On Althanas
    EXP: 5,673, Level: 3
    Level completed: 17%, EXP required for next level: 3,327
    Level completed: 17%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,327
    Quentin Boone's Avatar

    Quentin Boone
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    6' 3" 250lbs

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    Quentin Boone Level Three

    Out of Character:
    Previous profile can be found here. Updates are in red

    Name: Quentin Boone

    Alias: The Bearded Brawler

    Age: 34

    Race: Human

    Hair Color:

    Eye Color: Green

    6' 3"

    Weight: 180lbs

    Occupation: Unemployed, but fights in The Citadel for money.

    Quentin is the sort of person who speaks his mind and doesn't particularly care what people think of him but is a generally well-mannered fella. He has a laid back attitude to life but strives for more, which can sometimes result in apathy. He can be quick to anger.

    Quentin is rather tall at six foot three inches in height, with some considerable muscle mass making him seem rather bulky. His hair, cut short, is a dark brown, and matches the hue of his untidy beard perfectly. His attire is generally a little rough around the edges, a brown tunic, sleeveless, and slightly darker brown trousers cover his body whilst stout black boots cover his feet. He has several scars over all his body, of various sizes and neatnesses. Most notable of these scars is a large burn that covers all the left side of his face. Though this is mostly well-healed, the fact it's on his face makes it prominent.

    He walks with a limp, and his left eye is a clear glass orb with a red light shining from it.

    Quentin spent much of his childhood living on the streets of Knife's Edge, moving from group of urchins to group of urchins until he was old enough to look after himself and join the adult groups of those left homeless by the destruction caused during the Civil War. His resentment of both the Church and the government earned him a reputation for trouble; he even spent six years in prison for burning a chapel to the ground when he was 13.

    Growing up on the streets and spending time in prison during the latter end of the civil war toughened him up, as one would expect, and he learned how to fight. When he was released from prison, he spent time in the underground fight clubs in Knife's Edge and throughout his home country, reforging his reputation into one of a fierce brawler and young man not to cross. That was until he fought the wrong man: a son of a powerful gang leader, who damaged Quentin's left eye, leaving him nearly blind. In winning the fight, Quentin killed the young man. Quentin should have been killed, but his employer - a ringmaster who organised the underground fight clubs - decided to let Quentin have a head start before Salvar's The Family crime syndicate would come looking for him as they would kill him.

    In his escape, Quentin travelled to Tirel chased by agents of The Family, but was able to get aboard a ship oned by The Vogruk-Stokes Trading Company that took him to Tor Elythis. As the ship pulled into the Elven harbour, Quentin decided not to pay the remainder of his passage fee and jumped from the bow to escape. Unfortunately, having not yet healed fully from his last fight, Quentin didn't land as he thought and the result was a broken leg. He had no choice but to walk the five-mile concourse into the Raiaeran mainland before even having time to properly tend to the wound. When he reached the mainland, Quentin made a haphazard splint for his leg and headed south.

    As he travelled the desolated landscape of the elves, it became clear that Salvar wasn't the only country in trouble. He heard tales of a necromancer, and that Radasanth in Corone was a good place to earn money fighting. Wanting to escape the potential horrors of the dead being brought back to life as quickly as possible, Quentin made a bee-line to the south coast. However, his broken leg and other injuries made travel difficult and as terrain changed and he grew weaker, further injuries were inflicted until he fell unconscious in the middle of Raiaera somewhere.

    Thankfully, a ranger found him, treated his wounds as best as possible, and the two completed the journey to Radasanth together. Shortly after arriving in Radasanth, Quentin and the ranger stumbled on a young girl being raped. Together, they rescued her and decided to take care of her.

    Over the next five years, the trio made several friends; a strange menagerie of freaks and outcasts. But they banded together and helped each other survive. Quentin waited two years before entering Citadel fights - he didn't want to draw attention to himself that The Family might hear of - he refused the Ai'Brone monks' healing services because of their religious connection - even after several years, Quentin still held resentment to any religious organisation - and prefers needlework and strapping from members of the group.

    Quentin now stays in The Empty Hand, an over-priced inn owned by a dirty, fat, lecherous old man. Quentin uses the money earned in the Citadel to pay the rent left after certain favours are given to the innkeeper to reduce the costs. However, Quentin and his group of friends still struggle to afford food and the rent.

    Quentin hopes to improve his situation in life, for himself and his friends, but is stuck in an ennui and routine that perpetuates his desolate existence. Perhaps some luck will come his way soon.

    The bearded brawler took part in the Eiskalt War, acting as a mercenary for the Ixian Knights. It was during this war that his face was burned and his left eye was replaced with an enchanted glass one.

    Brawling: Despite his battered body, Quentin is still a very skilled brawler; and his continued exposure in the Citadel has earned him Legendary status. He doesn't have a specific style of fighting and while his body isn't as supple as it used to be, muscle memory helps to ensure he's still a very dangerous fighter.

    Evasion/Escape: Quentin can still quickly outrun someone chasing him, so long as he's in a city environment - he can quickly move between streets and up and down alleys to lose most pursuers.

    Knifeplay: Sometimes a knife is more effective than a sword, and Quentin learned how to use knives effectively. He can throw a knife with enough accuracy to hit a man in the chest every time up to 25 metres away. At 30 metres, he'll hit home 75% of the time, and at 40 metres, only 40% of the time. Above 40 metres and he isn't likely to hit at all. He is also average in a fight when using a knife against an opponent themselves armed with a knife, and below average against anything longer than a shortsword.

    Hard as Nails: Living a life of bare survival, fighting for years and dealing with the punishment of prison guards, Quentin is a hardy fella and can withstand a lot more damage than the average human. Continued fights in the Citadel and involving himself in the Eiskalt War has even further bolstered his tough disposition and now he can take up to fifteen more normal hits from someone the same level as himself or lower. The number of hits reduces by one for every two levels above Quentin's own. Alternatively, he can take up to six more hard hits from someone the same level as himself or lower. The number of hard hits reduces by one for each level above his own. He can also ignore the pain of shallow to medium cuts, to a maximum of three medium or six shallow.

    Tough as Old Boots: Quentin is an experienced brawler who knows how to use his muscular frame to full advantage. As such, he hits three times harder than the average person: This means he can break unarmoured bones with a single blow, lightly armoured bones with two blows, and can slightly dent steel or lower armour with every blow. (Armour being literal or any equivalent. Light armour meaning leather in all its forms.)

    Street Smarts: General life on the streets and being chased for years has gifted Quentin with a sixth sense of sorts; he can generally tell if he's being followed by anyone but those with expert stealth training and can read the streets to see if there's any signs of trouble, such as a fight about to break out. He can also single out individuals who may pose a threat to him, by reading their body language and posture, whether they're armed and if their emotional state is angry or hostile.

    A Scholar of People: Experience within the Citadel and elsewhere, enhanced by the effects of his glass eye, means that Quentin can read an opponent and estimate their movements. As such, he is able to gain a tactical advantage by successfully evading one in four attacks to place him in a position where he can counter-attack.

    Bargaining Chip: Being a friendly sort of chap, Quentin was able to gain the favour of a blacksmith called Neal and negotiated a discount from him. As such, Quentin receives a 10% discount on all Bazaar purchases.

    Spiked Hand Wraps: A pair of Berevaran bear hide hand wraps with four steel spikes in each - Purchased here

    Dagger: A masterwork steel dagger. Image - Purchased here

    Throwing Knives: Three iron throwing knives sheathed in a wrist strap; Three steel throwing knives sheathed in a wrist strap. Purchased here

    Enchanted Glass Eye: A perfectly clear Cillu glass eye that has been enchanted to give Quentin 20/20 vision in his left eye. It also provides a white outline around everyone Quentin can see within his natural line of sight. Purchased here
    Last edited by Quentin Boone; 11-30-14 at 07:42 AM.

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