So, because I'd like to get my mind off the harshness of reality, let's talk character stories!

Share your current ideas and directions for where you want to take your characters, what level ups you want to have, what important events you plan on happening, or what silly things you want your character to do.

This is by no means meant to be a serious discussion about character plots, just word vomit and a place to bounce ideas around.

Me first!

I want to have Alyssa meet up with her friend Daire Chance, a flaming red head with a knack for reading and academia. On top of that, I want her to meet up and become friends with an NPC centaur type critter. Another red head, but this one is almost like a walking alchemy lab. Together, the gang is going to research the experiments Alerar ran to try and unlock the secrets to the Raiaeran magic. There will be twists, turns, and one of the three is going to either get horribly injured or even killed. In their trials, Alyssa will unlock more of her heritage and learn some new abilities to "overdrive" her magical artifacts and weapons. Even learn how to summon a demon hide full suit of armor! Neat-o!