The signs were everywhere.

Quote Originally Posted by Signs everywhere.
Come one, Come all!
Searching for warriors and collectors of treasure alike.
Show your skill or your smarts.
Free food and drink and prizes await.
The bottom gave instructions to meet at a nearby pier. Sure it looked fishy, but I had learned long ago not to turn down any chance at a more sustainable existence. I grabbed my small pack and tossed it over my shoulder. With each step it bounced against my hip and brought to mind that it might weigh a bit more on the way home.

The city was alive with shoppers and workers heading off to do whatever it was they had planned. The bright blue sky above seemed to go unnoticed by all but me in the chaos. I liked it that way. Everyone hustled and bustled and I got to enjoy what was right in front of them like my own personal secret.

My feet hit the docks with a thump. I could see a group of strangers a bit ahead, standing in front of some wavy-looking mirror.

One of the men turned and sized me up. His expression was one of mockery, I was used to that. Most people assumed I could be blown over by the wind. I am slightly tougher than that though.

He seemed to finally accept my presence though, and gave a fake smile. "I guess your here for the game?"

I looked down at the worn wooden dock. "I suppose so. The signs sent me this way. I can always use a free meal."

"Yup, looks like you could." He laughed, more at me than with me, but I was used to that too. "Step right through this portal here!"

I eyed the mirror he pointed at. The strange waves were only clearer up front and the vague image of people who weren't on the dock seemed to shine through. "It won't...kill me or anything, right?"

A large man nearby laughed. "You can't get the free food if you won't even go through. Your choice!"

I gave him my best stern face. "I'll do it." I touched the mirror with the tip of my finger and felt it pulling me forward. I didn't fight it, and soon I was falling. I could see nothing for a moment and then suddenly I was somewhere else.

I hit the sandy ground with a thud and rubbed my backside to ease the pain in my tailbone. In front of me stood another set of strangers and behind them, the largest red and white striped tent I'd ever seen.

"Is that where the food is?" I shouted to draw attention to myself.