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Thread: Renegade Radio Questions!

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  1. #38
    EXP: 12,177, Level: 4
    Level completed: 64%, EXP required for next level: 1,823
    Level completed: 64%,
    EXP required for next level: 1,823
    Alyssa Snow's Avatar

    Alyssa Dianne Snow
    Hair Color
    Platinum Blonde
    Eye Color
    Pale Blue-Green
    Empress of the Tarot Hierarchy

    View Profile
    What are your thoughts about using approved abilities in unorthodox ways not written in your profile? For example, you use magic control that is written to possess your weapons to move by thought to possess yourself and fly? Or, you use your ice abilities said to freeze water to freeze the water in someone's body? Is this powergaming or just being clever with your abilities?

    If your character is assumed to be powerful, such as a demigod, angel, or demon, do you treat abilities added to profiles as spontaneous power boosts or as a formally written excuse for your character to use that skill without penalty? For example, angels can fly, but your level one profile, you didn't include that. You include it in level two and write your next thread like you always could fly, but just opted not to previously.

    What are your thoughts on abilities that completely negate damage? For example: Mystic Protection, Ashla's Ice Shield, Lye's Phantom Ability

    What are your thoughts on abilities that boost GP income or Bazaar discounts? Should characters specifically for crafting focus on abilities like that or abilities that can maximize one unit of material to produce two units of finished product? (Crafting Efficiency)

    Do you think abilities that give players resources per every thread completed are a good or bad idea?

    What are your thoughts on characters that completely redo their ability tree at higher levels?

    Do you think abilities should be given as spoils in excess of the approved max for that character level? For example, a level one with three abilities at max strength for a beginner does a quest and scores in the 85. Then, they request a non-game breaking ability for their spoil. Should they get it prior to level up and be allowed to use it?

    For giggles, what are your thoughts on characters that choose to forgo abilities and play characters within a normal capability? Would you like to see more of those or would you rather see them survive/engage in using abilities?

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