
All your basic elements were here, you told a story with a pretty unique plot, and peppered in enough setting when it suited the thread. surprisingly enough I felt your weakness in this department was your pacing. You spent so long establishing on that first night Maddy's immunity to alcoholic effects only to sum up a solution in two posts or so. Furthermore, I was quite surprised with how abruptly the thread seemed to end.



The was a great dynamic between yourself and all the NPCs you decided to surround yourself with. I even felt you did Philomel justice when you placed her cameo. Maddy's rough around the edges persona shined through during this endeavor and showcased why many consider you one of the best writers on site when it comes to character.



There were a few minor infractions that I caught mechanics wise, including a non capital at the beginning of a sentence, but nothing that would warrant a bad score. There were a few instances that required a re-read or two, mostly during the alcohol descriptors, but once again, nothing too glaring. Your use of metaphors and similies were well done, especially the scenario for the effects of Headbutt.



An overall enjoyable thread. I'm a huge fan of Slice of Life threads, so you probably got a higher score from me than you would from most judges. Just saying.


Final Score