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Thread: Alberdyne Cormyr [Level 2 Update/Cormyr Book 2]

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  1. #1
    EXP: 3,312, Level: 2
    Level completed: 44%, EXP required for next level: 1,688
    Level completed: 44%,
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    Alberdyne_Cormyr's Avatar

    Alberdyne Cormyr
    Psionic/Demon Slayer/Tamer
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    Demon Slayer

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    Alberdyne Cormyr [Level 2 Update/Cormyr Book 2]

    (Minor Update/Evolution of character to hit level 2/Hopefully everything is okay. Requesting Hysteria for this.)

    Name: Alberdyne Cormyr

    Title: None

    Age: 32

    Race: Psionic Human/Demon Slayer&Tamer

    Hair Color: Red

    Eye Color: Green

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 200 lbs.

    Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous

    Alignment: LE (Lawful Evil)

    Job Class: Soldier/Blacksmith

    Psychological Profile:

    Level 1: *Level 1-

    After his many battles in The Citadel, Alberdyne Cormyr has developed an unfaltering bravery and faith in himself. This determination was brought on by the many physical and psychological defeats he was dealt in The Citadel. Though weak, Dyne has learned to balance weakness with dignity. Through his many battles Dyne has developed an edge and a certain knowledge of the world. This has made him much less naive, and has allowed him to begin applying his philosopher's knowledge. Dyne is an extremely educated young man and has a vast Intellect. Dyne learns at roughly Five Times the learning rate of the standard Alhanian Human Being. Furthermore, Dyne is a Super Genius and has Five Times the intellectual capacity of the standard Althanian Human Being.

    Dyne's skill as a philosopher has become Highly Skilled due to his knowledge capacity. (Removing no longer fits the character.)

    Dyne's artistic skill has become Skilled due to his knowledge capacity. (Removing Conflict with Elthas.)

    Level 2: Dyne has watched the world grow from the once euphoric place he knew in his youth, to a war torn hell. Alberdyne has lost his household, his family has deserted him, and he has lost his work as a blacksmith, he wandered the world for a long while until he came across a mysterious Drow from Alerar. This Drow, instilled in him the distinct notion of Demon Mastery. Alberdyne emerged from his training with the Drow in question with his hair gone, he was bald, and has emerged with mysterious new psionic powers. With his newly found knowledge of Demon Speaking, Alberdyne learned to speak in tongues. He could communicate with the Demons that hunted Men, and could get them to fight by his side. All it would take was careful use of his newly acquired Negotiate skill. Alberdyne also learned the further secrets of the Blacksmith arts, and can now imbue elemental energy of Darkness into his crafted objects. The training with the Drow mystery fellow made Alberdyne a considerably darker individual.

    Vice: Lust

    Virtue: Fortitude


    Level 1-Dyne's family originates from Yarborough District and Underwood. They are a long line of highlanders. Dyne has gotten older from the last time he took to his personal journals and wrote down the adventures he has undergone. Though his appearance has changed very little, his green eyes have developed a resounding sharp, analytical edge to them. Around his body are evident the scars of physical warfare. Unable to regenerate naturally, or unnaturally, Dyne has developed a network of battle scars. Having learned to see well without his glasses, the accessory is no longer worn on his person. Dyne's large hands have become well calloused, as the hands of blacksmiths oft do. No other changes have occurred except that his face has aged considerably faster than most youths his age. He has also developed a streak of platinum hair along the right side of his hair.

    Attire-This is Dyne's commonly wore clothing.

    Civilian-As a blacksmith, Dyne wears common worker's clothing. Dyne wears simple overalls made of hide that are a basic blacksmith's clothing. He wears no shirt underneath it. A pair of Leather Gloves are always visible. Dyne wears simple hide boots that are brown in colour and hue. When not working, Dyne wears his infamous cape and a simple hide backpack to keep his belongings in.

    Military-Dyne has recently joined The Watch in Underwood. He still a young Cadet in that organization. He wears the standard military outfit that a Cadet for The Watch would wear. The only added feature is the cloak that carries the Cormyr Household symbol on it. Dyne has not yet earned any notable decorations of valour.

    Level 2-Due to his time spend studying under the tutelage of the Drow, Alberdyne is now much different.

    He wears elegant clothing that is completely black as his heart has become. He wears a swirling traveler's cloak that is black on the outside and red on the inside. He is now bald. He no longer wears his traditional glasses, and has since tattooed many strange Runes on his body. The purpose of these runes appear completely decorative in nature and stylized. They are Alerar symbols in origins. He wears fancy black leather boots, and a leather jacket at all times. He also wears gloves, and strangely enough his cloak does not have a hood. Instead, Alberdyne wears a top hat. He wears all black and his clothing is embroidered with gold. He carries symbols on his cloak, that is the mark of a House of Drow signet.

    His weapons are visible at all times.

    ~History-(I am redoing this) After the war, his family lost the house on 120 West Augmere Street, building number 400. His Father, Michael Cormyr, was sent to a far away mission, and his Mother passed away from a heart condition. Alberdyne lost his job as a professional Blacksmith, due to growing and fierce competition for weapon smiths in Radasanth. And thus, Alberdyne wandered the world in search of a new destiny. It was then that Fate intervened. Dyne came across a Drow, who was a follower of Lloth, and who held powerful secrets at his command. Agreeing to take Dyne as an apprentice, Dyne was completely corrupted. The Drow saw in Dyne a potential to change the world in the image of The Drow. Correctly identifying Alberdyne Cormyr as a psionic, the mysterious teacher instructed Alberdyne Cormyr in the forbidden arts. Proving a worth while student, Alberdyne learned quickly and in secrecy locked away from the troubles of an ever darkening world. The Master soon accepted his student as an Acolyte, and taught Alberdyne in earnest. Alberdyne discovered the inner workings of the Drow who were the followers of the forbidden art. Finding his true calling in a dark and maddened world, Alberdyne consumed every secret that he was taught with greedy hunger. Further, he learned at an advanced rate due to his already advanced intellect. In such, he quickly mastered the secret teachings. Going back for more, Alberdyne learned all he could from the master, and finally, the day had come when the Acolyte was ready to cease his destiny. Taking upon himself a plynt sword, and imbuing it with elemental darkness, Alberdyne had become an ugly, terrible monster. Where once the thoughts of heroism lurked in his heart, Alberdyne Cormyr had become a force of nature. And soon, that very force would be let loosed upon the world. Woe be anybody who stood in his way.

    ~Skill Tree:

    (New) Level 1-Blacksmith. Due to Dyne's Super Genius Intellect, his primary profession has greatly impvoed after time and considerable practice. Dyne can currently construct equipment pieces of Items that are Above Average in quality and make. Currently, (On top of the Materials listed above), Dyne has learned the secrets necessary to Smith Steel. He currently has learned how to build 5 Weapon Items, 2 Shields, 2 Mail Armours, and 1 Plate Armour per work-day.[/u] Dyne has become an Above Average Blacksmith. He can also use his blacksmith and mining skill to forge Steel Alloy. (Thanks for the correction. I always assumed that Steel, on Althanas was an Ore, my bad Numbers)

    (New Level 2) Blacksmith. Due to Dyne's extensive training with Drow, he has learned a powerful new technique. Rather than continuing the physical studies of metallurgy and blacksmithing, Dyne has sought to master the art of imbuing elemental energy into his crafted items. Currently, Dyne can craft ingots (Bars) up to Plynt in nature. These ingots are then used to craft up interesting items that can be sold for a tidy profit. Alberdyne has lost his original emlpoy as a blacksmith of Corone, but Alerar and The Drow have now embraced this exiled psionic. With his new knowledge of the psionic arts, Alberdyne may, THREE TIMES A DAY, imbue a single crafted object with a potent elemental energy. That of The Darkness. Nobody knows how or why Alberdyne has acquired this capacity, he can simply do it. He is one of the few existing Blacksmiths capable of performing this lost art with the skill level he does it at. Up to five times a day, Dyne may craft any item of his choice, typically done in the Cormyr school of Blacksmithing. Though the item can be ALSO be done in a way to reflect other crafting styles.

    Note: Removing Brawler skill and overhauling Swordsman skill.

    Swordsman-(level 0) (Skill) As part of his education, somewhere along the line, Dyne learned how to fight. His style is now yet refined and he is below average with sword tactics. He knows below average attacks, counters, parries, and blocks. For now, he knows just enough to defend himself from the average brigand on the street. Characters with greater skill than Dyne can best him rather easily.

    Swordsman (New) Level 1-Above Average Swordsman. Dyne has currently unlocked the capacity to duel wield swords up to Steel Longsword in weight class. He can dual wield similar weighted weapons, or one heavy weapon and one small weapon. Dyne can currently dual-wield Knives, Shortswords, and Medium Swords with 1.5 Times greater skill than the average Swordsman.

    Swordsman Level 2-(New/Overhauling) ~Skilled~ Dyne can dual wield weapons he comes across with SOME degree of skill. Heavier weapons require a bit more of concentration. He prefers to dual wield smaller weapon times, each imbued with Darkness. He can effectively strike and counter strike with his swords, and fights very gracefully.

    ~Ability Tree:

    Psychokenisis (New) Level 1 Telekenisis Version-Now, Dyne has reached Above Average power with this Ability. Dyne's concentration capacity has increased to a point where he can release a Psychokinetic Bolt about One Minute after charging. The Ability has a Fifteen Second cool-down period once used. It can't ever be used in rapid succession. Now, Dyne can affect much larger objects than before. Dyne's manipulation capacity has increased about 3.0 Times the capacity that it was before. Now, he can manipulate projectile Items thrown or fired in his direction. This only works against inorganic objects like Throwing Knives and Arrows or Bolts. It can't ever work against Energy or Spells. Dyne has further exceeded the capacity of this power to the point where he can manipulate Two Objects with one bolt. Furthermore, Dyne can physically dead-lift heavy objects with his mind. He can lift about 1.5 times his body weight in mass. Note: (3.0 lifting capacity applies to heavy objects such as rocks and crates. He currently cannot lift siege engines and the like with his mind. Only stationary objects. The smaller the object, the more skill he can use to lift it with)

    Bolt Version-Damage against unarmoured targets has become Moderate in nature and can cause Psionic Damage versus a living opponent. This Psionic Damage rating is roughly 2.0 time's the damage modifier of non-psionic attacks. The bolt does nothing against heavily armoured targets, but it can damage targets not wearing anything on their heads. (Such as a helmet)

    Psychokenisis (New) 5-Mental Feedback Loop-(Level 0) (Ability) Average. With this newly acquired power, Dyne can now focus his razor-sharp negative emotions. Channeling his hatred and negative emotions into one singular purpose, the mass of negativity attacks a single opponent. If it connects, (Easily avoidable) a rush negativity will fill the opponent's mind. This negativity causes 1.5 Times psychic damage versus unprotected targets. The Ability directly attacks the mind. The longer Dyne focuses in his preparation the larger the damage fall-out is. Dyne can not repeatedly cast this Abillity. It has a Five Minute cool-down period.

    (New! I am overhauling Dyne's basic Psionics power) Level 2-Psychokenisis/(School)Umbramancy. (Above Average Skill level.) Dyne has advanced much in with his knowledge of Psychokinetics. Now he has developed an interesting new pursuit: the study of Elemental/Parapsionic Darkness. With the discovery of his control of Negative Emotions, Dyne has learned something interesting with his time spent with The Drow. He could control the Living Darkness ITSELF and effect great change on the world around him. Firstly, he could imbue objects he created with his own hands with the elemental darkness. Thrice a day, he discovered he could imbue one physical object with Living Darkness. On Armour, the Dark enhances defensive capacity up to 2.0x's with Elemental Darkness. On a Weapon, the Dark enhanced destructive capacity with the Dark up to 2.5x's since Alberdyne has become more destructive in nature. Further, Dyne has learned to control his powerful negative emotions into the form of bolts or beams that wreak havoc on anything they touch. Armor that is touched by the Elemental Darkness, up to Plynt in nature develops a dark blotch (Player controlled if hit is accepted) that begins to slowly eat away at the item like a burning acid. If the blotch touches the flesh of the target, it begins to eat away at that too. The negative emotions are strong and has a tendency to corrupt physical matter into decayed states. So far, it simply burns flesh. However, it may eventually do worse damage.

    (School/Umbramancy) During his time spent with the Drow, Alberdyne learned of the existence of Demons. Not just the Demons of Haidia, but all those entities from the negative realm of Hell. (I forgot The Thayne Codex relevant term of Hell, so I'm using the term Hell for now) Using a new power: Demon Negotiation, Alberdyne can talk to most Demons he comes across in their native tongue. Furthermore, he can then recruit Demons who have become allies to join his side and his Party. Dyne can then command the Demons he personally recruits as a Demon Caller. Further, the Drow of Alerar taught Alberdyne the art of Demon Slaying. He can effectively KILL most Demons he comes across with a growing degree of skill. He is currently studying to master the arts of Negotiation.

    ~Inventory: (I am getting rid of some stuff in favor of newer stuff)

    ~Weapon: Two Simple Blacksmithed Plynt swords. (Above Average Quality: Note I will pay for this if I have to) They are imbued with Darkness. Note: For now the Darkness enhances the weapon's capacity for Darkness itself. For example, against light it does some damage. (Subject to Mod control) And against normal, non light imbued items it does normal damage. Aside from this, the enchanted items glow with it's own innate darkness.

    ~Armor: Standard Leather Clothing. Plynt Medium Shield. (Above Average Quality: Note I will pay for this if I have to.) The Shield is also imbued with Darkness, and bears a Drow symbol upon it. Gone is the Cormyr house symbol since it no longer exists due to the War in Corone. The shield can glow with an innate darkness. Further, the shield can ABSORB half of normal physical attacks. Only up to Average in quality of damage. (There I think that's good. I'm just stipulating the full effects of the enchantments as they currently exist. I will work on this stuff more to get this further defined as I level. Thanks for being patient with me Hyst.)

    ~Demon Compendium. (And I'm getting rid of all other stuff until I purchase it.) A dark book with the knowledge to combat and control Demons.
    Last edited by Alberdyne_Cormyr; 01-18-15 at 04:26 PM.
    ~Level 2~

    ~Level 1~

    ~Level 0~

    I am no Hero.-Saying

    You see enough shit in the world to become broken yourself.-Saying

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