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Thread: Blood in the Wood

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  1. #11
    EXP: 2,308, Level: 2
    Level completed: 11%, EXP required for next level: 2,692
    Level completed: 11%,
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    Devonus's Avatar

    Approximatly 100
    Half Elf/ Vampire
    Hair Color
    Blond,close to white
    Eye Color
    Deep Blue
    Height: 6’2” Weight:210
    Vampire, Ex Druid/ranger

    View Profile
    I grimaced as the golem dissected my character, her words held true with each syllable that vibrated in my mind. I knew each of my flaws as intimately as I knew the dangers of these woods. Sometimes I even wondered which would in the end, be the death of me. A soft smile dances across my lips as she finishes, an understanding ringing deep within, whispered on sweet whispered lips coated with blood so many long moons ago. 'Your rage burns hotter then even my cold blood can still. It burns bright, it burns pure.... Lose it, and you will lose yourself, and who knows what will arise from the ashes,' she whispers in my mind. Imaginery steel traces itself along my spine as I calm myself and look to the golem.

    “No, I can never be satisfied sister. I have little reason to ever be, despite what concessions you, or any other, may offer.”

    I slowly let the tension leave my pull on the arrow, and place it once again in its quiver. I bury my gaze on the golems head, blazing red eyes digging into its layered leave, seeing its imperfection, its fatigue in the moonlight.

    “You are little better then the red hooded one, sheltered from the reality of the world by your long time away from it. Ignorance has never been an excuse for ones action.”

    I gently reach out and take the broken core, the small pieces quivering in both pain, disgust, and relief, its broken soul uneasy in my undead hands, but free from whatever pain the others ignorant torture may be wrought by their hands, it still echoes of pain, it still echoes of anger.

    Rest easy brother Lod'alquin. Vengeance might yet be ours...

    I turn from her and slowly make my way to the other cores. Mithrades of the redwood, he of course had chosen to leave their service, it made sense for one who had so much to lose. His boistourous voice, deep as he was tall echoed in my mind.

    ”They know not what they will cause...”

    Lornia the yew, also offered up her core. She spoke little. She was young, unsure of her place in this world, of all that had happened. Innocent, by many standards, especially by my own. Her voice was much less assured, it quavered as she briefly spoke, her words a soft whisper, almost child like as it trailed off.

    “Thank you.. umm...”

    I smile briefly and whisper to her as I place their two beating cores along side Lod'alquin.

    “Its Devonus child”

    A small squeamish squeak sounds in my mind as Lornia places the name, knowing not me, but of me.

    I smile a bit, glad to here the voices of my tree brothers and sisters so clearly, as I had not heard their ilk in to many a night. I turn back to the Leaf Golem, her figure seeming much less imposing now that she lacked half her support. She was none the less, more then I could handle.

    “Your ignorance, and his, may cause more harm then you know Golem. You have been to long gone from the world, to understand this forest. You know longer hear it's song, and though Lindaqualme may sing a song most savage, it sings it true. Yet what of you sister? I hear no song in your leaves, your voice no longer sings.”

    I walk towards the edge of the clearing. Looking over my shoulder as i whistle for agar. My voice carries an air of contempt as I finish addressing the golem before leaving.

    “The white winged one, this Ioder, I hope what you say is true. He sounds far more entertaining then the pathetic Heirophant in your arms. , Solkan, Hirathan, keep yourselves well, and should I need to fell you one day, ill make it swift if I can... And you leaf golem, what of your name? And the one you guard so vehemently and praise with so many a title?"
    Last edited by Devonus; 01-24-15 at 11:21 PM.

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