Vincent paused for a moment as he watched her pour part of her heart out as he chewed on a thought. She seemed like she was at a crossroad in her life, on the fence about a very important decision. All she needed was a simple push. "Well if a simple scholar like me can survive these sorts of adventures I'm sure you could with ease." he replied taking a sip of his water. He had not intended to find one of Leona's cards on this mission, but he felt like there was even a chance that this woman sitting in front of him would wind up in the Hierarchy he had to make his move.

"Tell you what." He said turning to the last page of an already filled notebook. "I'm going to leave instructions on how to contact my boss." He said as he scrawled down a rather elaborate set of instructions. "If you ever do want to give the whole going on adventures thing a shot, it's here for you." he said closing the book and sliding it her way with a smile.

It was odd that he was able to speak so easily to her given that perhaps hours ago he had been an utter wreck. Had he just made a friend? The woman looked down at the thick tome of knowledge before her slightly overwhelmed. He had managed to fill an entire book with his knowledge in one sitting whilst telling stories of his adventures. As she looked up she noticed the piles of identical tomes all around them. This young man who couldn't be any older than her had filled all of these books with his knowledge from his studies and adventures. Would she learn as much from such a journey? Neither of them could know for sure.

They gazed at each other silently before Vincent broke the silence. "I'm planning leaving for Raiaera tomorrow." he confessed as he pulled out a sheet of paper and scrawled down some more instructions. "I am a man of my word. Take this letter to Louise, she's a carriage driver. She'll take you off to your next job. After that..." he paused for a moment. "Please do contact my boss, at least so that we can meet up and have drinks while sharing stories..." he said looking rather glum.