
May I please have a price on the following:

A steel knife with a crystal edge approx. 6" edge, enchanted to be activated by the user's will. The enchant causes the crystal to refract light, heat, and raw energy that exponentially improves the blade's cutting and piercing ability. In normal combat, with brief contact, this knife would operate as its base metal counterpart. Over prolonged contact, the knife can begin to transfer its energy to the other material and begin to cut it. Think magnesium torch.

May I have the quote in:

  • Steel
  • Titanium
  • Mithril
  • Prevalida
  • Black Diamond

And the enchant in different strengths able to cut:

  • Teir 1 Materials
  • Teir 2 Materials
  • Tier 3 Materials
  • Tier 4 Materials
  • Tier 5 Materials (including titanium)

Ultimately, I want the cost to be at or under 2,500 GP.

An image for the curious:
