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Thread: Phoenix Legion Starter and Recruitment Thread

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    Zelrius's Avatar

    Zelrius Morgan Vesuvius Blackfyre
    Hair Color
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    Light Blue
    5'10"/140 (U.S. SYSTEM)

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    Phoenix Legion Registration.

    I am here to Officially Register this Power Group: The Phoenix Legion

    The Phoenix Legion Is a Power group, Newly created and born to serve itself in the Short Term, and the all of humanity in the Long-term, it is lead by the Council, A council which votes upon most if not all actions of the Legionaries and their subordinates. The goal will not be revealed, for those whom need to know it either will within time or already do, And I personally would rather not share our intentions publicly with the world to view as they see fit.

    Zelrius Vesuvius Blackfyre
    Michael Laenitheos
    Roman Reynolds
    Shane Oak

    The Short term intentions for the Legion will be what we as a council see fit and vote upon. Most Votes will be 2 choice questions with a Yay or Nay Resolution. Though on occasion there may be a problem that arises where Entire sentence answers will need to be given in order to completely resolve an issue. Though these will be few and far in between because often different suggestions will still come out to be Yay or Nay to act upon.

    It is expected of all those in the Legion, The Council members more than anyone, to respect any decision ultimately made and acted upon, whether or not it is not the choice you specifically wanted, The Council had a reason for choosing it, We want you to as best you can see the Pros and Cons of each and every situation and much as possible. You are allowed to voice your displeasure, and in intelligent debate, maybe even try to convince those of the Council otherwise. Stay Open Minded.

    Restrictions will apply to all those around in the Phoenix Legion. Things such as acts of aggression against an entire group of people or country, Unless specified by the Council otherwise, Will be seen as your own individual actions and will therefore be left entirely to said aggressor to solve without involving the Legion. If you pick your own battles, You fight your own battles. That is not to say that we do not frown upon your actions, You will still more than likely be punished regardless of outcome if you act for the Legion without any Council support or permission.

    No one is immune. In a ⅘ vote, A Council member may be ousted and removed from Council. Of course, a Council member will never vote against themselves, Which is why the General public of the Legion will vote in the stead of accused Council members. Still making it a possible 5 votes, with the removal of one Council member. Council members and Normal Legionaries may be put on probation, in which case they are temporarily suspended from any rank or Title and are banished from any and all Support from the Legion as a whole for an allotted amount of time.

    In the event that the Legion votes to go to war (war is decided with a majority vote by the council), all members of the Legion are duty bound to partake in some capacity.

    Addendum to above, if a party decides or believes that the action or cause is averse to their moral code, senseless, or otherwise unnecessary, they are free to not contribute. If this occurs, they must be ready to defend that decision in trial by combat if prompted by another member of the Legion. Regardless of the victor, that person shall be placed under the protection of the Legion and their decision upheld and defended by all of its members. Should that person who did not like the said course of action loses the trial by combat, Though they will still not be forced to contribute, It would be in the Legion’s best interests if you helped with as many of it’s desired actions as possible

    We are a group of diverse individuals who come together toward a common goal. On an individual basis, we take jobs and go on missions that both help us earn a living and fund the Legion. We have no Moral Compass. There is no such thing as “Good” or Bad”. “Right” or “Wrong”. We decide on something, and it gets done, regardless of Alignment association.

    Part of our rules are, "You keep what you kill, but you must contribute to the well being of your brothers." That is, we don't take your items or your money, you must freely give for the good of all of us. If you're greedy, you are a burden.
    Last edited by Zelrius; 04-27-15 at 07:19 AM. Reason: Few Changes needed made

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