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Thread: The ghostest with the mostest!

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    Bartleby's Avatar

    Bartleby Turnemynt
    Ethereal warrior

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    The ghostest with the mostest!

    NAME: Bartleby Turnemynt
    RACE: Human, in a previous life
    AGE: Too old to remember (hundreds of years)
    GENDER: Male
    HEIGHT: 5'10"
    OCCUPATION: Ethereal warrior

    DESCRIPTION: Bartleby Turnemynt is... well, there's not much to describe here. He's a ghost of average height, and appears as a man-shaped collection of partially translucent grays and whites. A handsome military captain before he met his death within the Cell centuries ago, complete with well-kept beard and long hair pulled into a ponytail that reaches past his shoulder blades. As far as his ghostly gear goes, Bartleby prefers the comfortable hug of his leather doublet (even spirits need armor at times) covered by a tattered captain's coat. The lower half is your standard pair of military slacks and boots. Adorning the top of his head is a spiffy triangle hat that he won in a duel against a pirate king some seventy years ago.

    PERSONALITY: It's amazing what dying will do to lighten someone up. When he was alive, he was your stock standard hard-ass military commander. But centuries spent hovering in the space between this world and the next have mellowed him out a bit. Bartleby is quite the kind, patient old soul who enjoys the thrill of a good battle. He is reasonable and light-hearted--even willing to crack the odd joke here and there--but still has enough of his oldest memories to retain that edge of cunning and viciousness required to succeed on the field of combat.

    HISTORY: Bartleby Caspian Clemont, when he was alive all those years ago, was a mid-ranking officer within the Coronian army. He had some moderate success at his post, but none of that really matters. What matters is that he decided to kill some leave by joining up with one of the many famous Cell tournaments held annually. However, luck was not with him that day; he met his ultimate fate at the hands of a sorcerer, who separated his spirit from his body. The wizard unknowingly bound his soul to the Cell, and cursed Bartleby to enter this world whenever he heard whispers of a tournament on the breeze.


    Weapons master - This ghost with the most certainly has been training hard. He is highly skilled with all manners of weapons, and has his translucent mitts around the hilt or grip of just about any kind of killing implement you can imagine. With bladed and blunt weapons (both one- and two-handed), he is an expert. When it comes to bows, firearms, and thrown weapons, he can be considered above-average in his abilities.

    Duke of Brabury Rules - Nevermind the implications of being a ghost; Bartleby can throw punches with the best of them. A boxer before he joined the military, the ghost can hit as hard and dodge as fast as he was able to when alive.. (Expert-level, son.)

    Analytic eye - Turnemynt has spent centuries watching combatants do their thing. When engaged in combat, he can recognize most known fighting styles and what it takes to defend against them.


    Copycat - Bartleby has honed his ghostly abilities to summon a single copy of one weapon in his opponent's inventory per battle. They will not be carbon copies, however--here are the stipulations:
    • Weapons summoned will be of a tier one material based on the original version's construction.
    • Any enchantments placed on the original weapon will be copied as well, but only at half-strength.

    Ghostfire - Centuries in the afterlife waiting for organized tournaments to pop up have given Bartleby plenty of opportunity to dabble in pyromancy--y'know, just in case. Three times a thread, the ghost is able to summon six-inch balls of fire and throw them at his opponents. These projectiles are capable of burning through most cloth and causing considerable amounts of pain with first- and second-degree burns.


    Just the ghostly clothes on his back and a leather doublet to protect him from whatever shots may come his way.

    A NOTE ON BARTLEBY: Even though he is a ghost, he can interact with the physical environment around him. That means blades will slice through him, blows can break his bones, spells can knock him off his feet... Rather than drawing blood, they will just take out chunks of his ethereal form that will regenerate between threads as he draws energy from the afterlife.
    Last edited by Bartleby; 04-27-15 at 01:26 PM.
    The ghostest with the mostest!

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