My Lord’s fist smashed into Stalt with burst of dirt and crunch of bone. The giant black hand ground the man into the dirt in somewhat of an over aggressive move. I doubted that more than a normal punch was needed to finish Stalt off in that condition. The giant hand dissolved into the air, and the crumpled form beneath was revealed. Blood mixed with dirt, and limbs was sitting in slightly the wrong position. It wasn’t pretty, but then there was little that my Lord did that was.

It wasn’t until I turned my eyes back to Talen that I noticed Stalt’s final goodbye. It was a futile thrust from death’s maw, but Stalt’s blade found purchase in my Lord’s chest. Despite the wound Talen seemed to actually grow less feeble. The magic that was punishing his body subsided, and his frame straightened up. It was a nonchalant moment as he pulled the dagger free and tossed it to the ground. A splatter of blood followed and painted the ground near the fallen Stalt a deep red. It was an amount you’d be worried about, but Talen simply turned and walked towards the exit.

I pushed myself up to my feet and for the first time noticed the weight of magic that had been taken from my head. It was a dangerous magic that man played with, not one that I’d so easily throw around. I didn’t dwell on it too long as I made to my Lord’s side. I scooted through the mostly empty stands as my feet squelched beneath me; still soaked with mead. Quick jumps down some steps, then around the fence and I made it to the exit as my Lord reached it. I tilted my head slightly as he approached, although I still towered over his child form.

“Well done my Lord,” I said.

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Talen?” he said, his voice flat as he continued his slow walk.

I glanced at him; the wound on his chest had healed, though his cloths were still filthy with sweat, blood and dirt. I couldn’t place the look on his face at first. It wasn’t quite content as there was a touch of frustration. It was not uncommon for him to finish fights early, although I thought perhaps it was the brevity of this battle that left a bitter-sweet taste in his mouth.

“At least one more, my Lord,” I replied, offering a small smile that he ignored.

He moved passed me, and I, as always followed. I hopped that he was going to a change room, I needed to change my shoes, and he stank more than a Fallien toilet pit.

Out of Character:
That's my finisher!