(I know tobias and dirks heard this already, but i have permission for all bunnies.)

He stood over the unconscious body of his foe and thought that thing is actually pretty cute when it sleeps. hmmm. Michael had always loved dogs, cats or animals of all kinds, and this one reminded him so much of Susan, the corgi he had as a boy. Smiling to himself he gathered the corgyn into his arms, even as his roasted muscles cried out in protest. His new Susan would need a collar, so she didn't run off and get lost, and toys! How could he forget the squeeky toys! Oh this was going to be so fun! What about a doggy house? He could have one set up for him at Fallien. Or maybe the climate wouldn't be all that great with that fur, he frowned. Maybe he could get set up in a nice big city, a big mansion with a balcony. The family mansion! How could he have forgotten. Shaking his head and chuckling, he set off.

He trotted along the beaten path towards the sunset with hopeful thoughts filling his head for his future....