Closed to Karuka

“Father Varias, guide these people in your light. Show us that the darkness is but a small period of discomfort in a lifetime of happiness,” The words carried on the breeze even as a man stood at the top of a gangplank. The sea blew a gentle breeze across his back, causing the leather duster he wore to crackle in the morning air. A smile caressed his face as he moved down into the bustling port of call, Radasanth. It had been months since he had been to this city, and he was keen to see what new wonders would grace him with their presence.

Moving down into the street he carefully affixed his hat cleanly atop his head, hiding the blonde locks underneath. He carefully felt the growing stubble on his face and sighed, he had not shaved since he got on board the ship. To the average person they would question the choice, till he pointed out one stiff breeze was all it took to cause him to cut himself. He dealt with enough dangers trying to murder him, he didn't want to inflict abuse upon himself.

The crowded port was a refreshing sight to the man from Berevar. In the north people were scarce, such that a large compound like the one that housed the Seraphs of Sintyre was truly unneeded. To see people in such numbers warmed the heart of the man devoted to letting them continue their lives. Sure, some were horrific, almost as bad as the demons he fought, but it wasn't his place to judge those who chose to live their lives poorly, only to give them the ability to choose.

The demon hunter shuffled through the crowds finally exiting the area surrounding his ship and taking stock of his gear. His gauntlets were carefully pulled up his arms even while he looked at the old construction. The buildings that surrounded the port were stone, possibly replacing older wooden buildings that would erode away with the seasons. Even then, small lines of rust orange from the more metallic stones leaked down the sides of some buildings. It gave the town a colder vibe than the Seraph would have liked, but he still knew better than to argue with things like aesthetics.

The smile never left his face while he moved forward into the city that served as the Port of Call to the greater Corone Area.