1.What do you think of your name?
Im proud of it, it's my grandfather's name.

2.How often do you like to knock boots?
I'd like to knock boots a lot. Do I GET to knock boots often? Hell no. Even surrounded by all of the lovely women of the Tarot, they're all basically family and that's just fucked up.

3.How often do you have nightmares?
Not too terribly often, but enough that it worries me. In my job I've encountered a lot of scary things and made some really hard calls. I still dream about the corpses from my first mission.

4.What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Becoming the Emperor of the Tarot Hierarchy. Leona is a fickle woman and she trusted me enough to put me in a leadership role.

5.What do you feel is your greatest regret?
Spending a large chunk of my childhood resenting my father for leaving me when he was in Althanas the entire time.

6.If you could have another pet, what would it be?
Definitely an otter

7.What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy?
Hide it all from Joseph before he turns it all into "Assets"

8.When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice?
If they're armed

9.What is the most exotic destination you have ever traveled to?
At this point I'd have to say Dallas is the mos exotic by Althanian standards

0.Travelling by ship. How do you pass the time?
If I'm "alone" I write or plan missions ahead of time. If I'm with a fellow Tarot member I might play cards or train with them.


1.What are your political beliefs?
Vincent Cain for rebuilt bardic council 2016

2.Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Hopefully married with kids

3.What is your favorite sin?
Pride, a man needs to look good

4.What do you order at a Bar?
Depends on who I'm with. Ale only with Tarot members, fruity drinks when I'm alone.

5.What habit of yours annoys others the most?
I feel like I have a tendency to be kinda arrogant or condescending when explaining things to people.

6.What do you want to be remembered for?
Rko'ing a forgotten one to death

7.1 - 10.Rate yourself on possessing: Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit.
10's all around. Did I mention I'm super humble?

8.Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do.
Well I kinda have feelings for someone special, but I feel like things would get awkward if I told her...

9.Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most?
Is there a romance for dummies section?

0.If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be?
My dad's I guess? I want to see the type of leader he was for the Tarot, if he had the same struggles that I did, or even if he missed me at all....