Lillith Kazumi

I shoulder the weight of evil so that Akashima can breathe.

Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 130llbs
Eye Colour: Purple
Hair Colour: Black
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Intelligence Quota: 108

History: Five hundred and forty years ago the Forgotten One Oblivion rewrote history. He bound five heroes in a web of intrigue and deception to hide himself from the wrath of those who hunted Tap Mages. To survive the downfall of his kind Oblivion buried his memories in the hero’s minds. This gifted immortality as well a torturous course. They forgot themselves and lost their free will.

In time Oblivion forgot who he was as well. His consciousness became Wainwright Jones. He created a group of bards, lured together the five heroes, and formed the Tantalum Troupe. Oblivion made them forget their lives whenever reincarnated, resulting in the ever changing face of the troupe. His plan was to create a Thayne that he could then destroy to live eternal.

The heir to Sensei Heiro and Azumi, a Spirit Warder of Clan Kazumi, Lillith’s future was intertwined with the gods from birth. Oblivion’s interference lead her away from that fate, and she was adopted by the Arleen family of Scara Brae. There, she learnt matron and seamstress skills alongside talents of meiko and shinobi. Oblivion’s meddling in Lillith’s life was the catalyst for his downfall.

At sixteen, Oblivion arranged for her to meet Ruby Winchester. At Lillith’s debutante ball they connected over champagne. Deception brought Lillith to the Tantalum, and six months later she forgot her upbringing. Duffy and Arden were recruited during the Sorcerer Molineux’s rebellion, and Pettigrew, a talented orphan, became the fifth member of Oblivion’s cast.

After centuries of war, the troupe regained their free will and shattered Oblivion’s hold over them. When Wainwright Jones destroyed the Prima Vista, the troupe’s playhouse, and any chance of a normal life the troupe disbanded. Lillith and Arden returned home to Akashima. There, Lillith reconnected with the ways of the geisha, the ninja, and the shogun. She began to find purpose anew.

The more at home they became the more they realised Akashima had suffered in their absence. They encountered the Komodo’s Ronin in the village of Hallow and realised their troubles were far from over. The Greater Oni begun to once again infiltrate the realm of mortal men. Only a desperate call for allies proved enough to slay the Crab, Crane, Dragon, and Spider.

Yanbo Harbour lies in ruins after the Crab’s rampage. The southern ninja tribes are without a leader because of the Jurugumo’s poison. Swathes of the country’s forest were levelled by the Crane’s wings. Political affairs in Capitol city are desperate after the Komodo’s schemes. The Shogun’s hold is gone – democracy, wherever the people of Akashima wanted it or not, has come.

Lillith bound the Greater Oni to her soul and uses their strength and rage to deal with threats to Akashima. Serving as a diplomatic agent to Akashima’s new Senate, Lillith hopes to fight through the grief for her brother – to ensure that Duffy’s sacrifice was not in vain. Though the Oni War is over, she and Arden will not rest until Akashima finds purpose and mistakes of the past are forgiven.


Geisha: Lillith was trained as a meiko in the okiyas of Akashima and can dance, sing, entertain, and perform traditional plays masterfully.

Shogun: With a sharp mind for logistics, Lillith can organise large scale movements of goods. She is an above average diplomat versed in court etiquette.

Shinobi: Lillith can wield tanto, kunai, and katana masterfully. She can climb and walk silently at an above average level, but cannot wear armour.

Warder: Lillith is a competent spirit warder. She has masterful knowledge of religious practice in Akashima and the realms of heaven and the dead.

Tailor: Trained as a costume and set designer in the Tantalum, there is no costume Lillith cannot make nor dress she cannot alter.


Kofun: As the spirit tomb the Greater Oni, Lillith has X3 dexterity, 30ft infravision, and can detect spirits up to 50ft away.

Kanji: Three times per thread Lillith can conjure kanji. They cannot be used in battle, and other effects are possible with trial and error.

  • Mizu (Water): Allows speech, breathing, or movement underwater.
  • Tsuchi (Earth): Incites another to fight harder, or act on impulse.
  • Kaze (Wind): Instils emotional calm and the desire to find compassion.
  • Kasai (Fire): Conjures flame to cook, warm, and cleanse.


The Greater Oni: Four Tanto which house the residual spirits of the Greater Oni defeated by the people of Akashima. They cannot be destroyed.

Kumo (Spider): A tanto which houses the soul of the Jurugumo. Any poison applied will also cause vomiting, fever, and nausea for one post.

Kani (Crab): A tanto which houses the soul of the Crab. Once per thread, it allows the wielder to deliver a strike at X3 their natural strength.

Tsuru (Crane): A tanto which houses the soul of the Crane. Once per thread, it allows the wielder to make an acrobatic movement at +1 speed.

Tatsu (Dragon): A tanto which houses the soul of the Komodo. Once per thread it can fire a six foot gout of flame that is difficult to extinguish.

Keimusho: A steel katana which has a hollow hilt. A Greater Oni blade inserted here will augment the katana blade with its respective enchantment.