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Thread: Cydnar Yrene - White Tree

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    Cydnar Yrene
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    Cydnar Yrene - White Tree

    Cydnar Yrene

    Only when we forgive ourselves can we hope to seek forgiveness from others.

    Gender: Male
    Race: Hummel
    Height: 6’1”
    Weight: 159lbs
    Eye Colour: Grey
    Hair Colour: Grey
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Intelligence Quota: 185

    History: The history of the under dark is one few know. A forbidden union between a Drow and a high elf lover gave rise to a new species. Dark skinned and proficient in magic, the children of that union became a separate race altogether. Scorned by their kin and exiled, they carved cities into the crust of the world. There they remain to this day.

    In the shadows they discovered the Great Snake Yrene. The World Eater dwells in the core of the world and consumes excess magic. In time, the Hummel came to worship Yrene. They gave his name to their noble houses and erected effigies in his honour. A thousand years passed and the Hummel, as they called themselves, became paladins of the Snake God.

    Cydnar was born in the city of Ict, deep beneath Donnalaich itself. Buildings hang from the roof a mile high, and crystalline bridges connect semi suspended towers and great spheres in a web of wonder. Shortly after his birth his parents pledged their child to the World Snake and waited to see what Fate the Devourer would bestow upon their son.

    A sphere of purple quartz appeared and Cydnar was gifted with geomantic talents. He learnt the fighting style of the Salthias. He learnt the history of his people. He learnt the laws of his people. He learnt to rule, to govern, and advice. Few receive the blessing of Yrene and fewer still grow old enough to wield geomancy with purpose and power.

    Centuries later, as High Salthias, Cydnar fought in the closing years of the High War. He led a Dunwainin (expeditionary force) to the heart of a necromantic horde on the plains of Raiaera. They prevented the invocation of a demon, but his betrothed was killed in battle. This renewed his zealous heart and vowed to avenge her.

    In the caverns beneath Raiaera he fought as a Dawnbringer. Alongside those brave souls, he fought one of the dark lord’s clones and played his part in ending Xem’Zund’s tyranny. In the closing moments of the conflict, Yrene himself sacrificed his life to entomb the Forgotten One in a quartz reliquary, the striking fist of the one called Godhand sealed along with him.

    In the years that followed, Cydnar began to be haunted by nightmarish visions of his people’s last days. Fearing for their future, he set out in search of the lost cities of the Hummel – places abandoned to Umber Hulks and earthquakes in the formative years of their colonisation of the under dark. He found Arday, and with it, the Spider worshipping kin thought lost to time.

    His brother amongst them, Cydnar’s faith was tested. Realising that his own kin killed their parents, he declared the spider cult enemies of Hummel and ordered the surviving Hummel to withdraw to the capital city of Ict. There, their declining numbers could be safe and they could rebuild their providence. The nightmares, slowly but surely, turned to dreams that promised hope.

    Yggdrasil was whispering to Cydnar in his sleep. The dreams lead him to Haida, where he found Nidhogg dwelling in the umbral fires. Taunted by the enemy of Yrene, seeking to rise whilst the World Eater remained dead, Cydnar called out for aid. The White Tree came and chose him as its sage. Escaping with his life, Cydnar at least realised how to save his people.

    United by a cold desire, Cydnar and his brother Dalasi have begun gathering allies on the surface. They hope to facilitate the return of the Hummel to the daylight. It will not be easy. Umber Hulks and frost giants in impede their return. With Yggdrasil guiding him, Cydnar hopes to revive Yrene. For that to happen, he must tame the White Tree, and kill Nidhogg before all is lost.


    Swordplay: Cydnar is a legendary swordsman. He can parry most blows from bladed weapons. His speed is easily overpowered with strength.

    Knowledge (Elven): Cydnar has an unrivalled grasp of elven culture. He records events as High Salthias, keeper of the grand library.

    Knowledge (Magic): Cydnar has an adept grasp of the workings of spells and the history of famous mages and their contributions.

    Knowledge (Diplomacy): Cydnar leads his people and is an adept politician. He is capable of handling a variety of situations with tact.

    Knowledge (Geology): Cydnar has studied geology for centuries and knows all there is to know about their properties and uses.


    Salthias: The Salthias are paladins of Yrene, the god of Magic. They vow to destroy all corrupted by magic and bring balance.

    Detect Magic: Cydnar can detect sources of magic within eighty feet and identify the base properties and age of spells.

    Drain Magic: Cydnar can bite with snake fangs strong as dehlar. Anyone bitten cannot use inherent magical abilities for two posts.

    Dispel Magic: Cydnar can dispel magical projectiles using haematite blades to deflect them. He can use it three times per thread.

    Geomancy: Cydnar’s can create and manipulate magical quartz. This is an innate ability and cannot be ‘dispelled’.

    Project: Cydnar can conjure spheres which strike at X3 strength. The projectiles require aim and are fired telekinetically.

    Create: Cydnar can conjure, shape, and control quartz at 30 cubic feet per minute. He can manipulate up to 500lbs.

    Float: Cydnar can create discs of quartz to levitate on. This allows him to travel 500ft at walking speed once per day.

    Destroy: Once per thread Cydnar can unleash a storm of ten ‘project’ chunks. He cannot use geomancy for the remainder of the thread.

    Hummel: Cydnar has X2 dexterity, X2 agility, and infravision up to 200ft. He is susceptible to disease but immune to natural poison.


    Timberlake Blade: Steel relic blade enchanted to inflict frostbite. +1.5 strength boost when wielded two handed.

    Altheas & Freya: Spring-loaded haematite blade canes with ornate scabbards. Freya glows blue near corrupted magic.
    Last edited by Cydnar; 09-01-15 at 01:35 PM.

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